pic of me bike now


hiya guys/gals
some of you might remember me when i first joined you all,i got my busa about 2 months ago.
i got the bike when it had 5 thousend miles on the clock,now i've put it up to 9 thousend.
i've took it to symtec in redditch and they k&n it,remaped 1st 2nd 3rd and 6th.£185 for them to do all that.but the bike runs like a dream.
i did have a little problem awhile back,i took it down my m8ts house left it in neutral and it rolled off onto it's side,but i can tell you it didnt hurt it few minor scratches,but otherwise ok,and i did learn my lesson tyvm..lol
i would like to thank all of you for ue help and everything u have done for me aswell,i've had 195mph outa her now,but still taking it steady.
i've got a problem with the starter motor coz it's goes but doesnt start the engine,but only if i rock the bike farwards and backwards..lol
and the sencertivity on the datatool has stoped,but hopefully banbury mortorcycles will sort that out for me.
i clean my bike with a tooth brush aswell,i find it easyier in the nasty spots aswell.and im taking good care of her.so ty all very much for beeing there for me..(much appeciated).
i'll leave you with a pic,, seeya all soon byeeeee

Hey man that is sweet!

What cans are those?? They don't appear to have HUGE advertisements on them. I am looking for some like that.
Looking good..........
Love the Euro exhaust, like was said earlier can't hardly find anything in the states without advertisement already pasted on the outside.......
hiya guys the cans are carbon cans,there hand made,cost around £400,but i met an bloke who had these cans from new,they cost me £160.
when i put um on and tryed them,there not too loud,but there not to quiete either..lol
had the bike unrestricted in 1st 2nd 3rd and 6th,ram air is completly unrestricted aswell.
all im looking for is a turbo now,any of u know of any turbos that are cheap

i will use it for the power as i do now,but im really wanting to hear the dump valve...lol
if u know of any good uns plzz tell me,(im not doing too bad for a 24 yr old) :P
Good job! If I were doing it, I would make similar mods. In fact your bike looks familiar.

Looks familiar
Beautiful busa!!

Nothin' like a little TLC to make her shine!!

Keep up the nice work.......ride safe!
front fender is blue the same colour as bike,well spotted tho,u frit the poop outa me.lol
i do try and keep her clean,but i gotta admit,u guys over america have it easy,u got all the good weather,and all the good parts,all we get is rain,and bad roads,not alot of tweeks for these bike like you all got.
but what im currently looking for is a turbo for my baby,i dont wanna pay over the odds for one,but i do want it to be of a good make,so i can hear a good clean dump valv

if you hear of any going could you please get intoutch with me so i can arrange some means of payment aswell as getting it back.