Where has that dude been? Serious funny,cool,honest and generous dude. Shenoy lives in India and has no fear.He rides on the roads in India. Just watch some National Geographic or similar.
ORG HISTORY: Here's the kind of guy that gets a tongue lashing and his post or pic removed[cant remem,one of the 2] for displaying himself and a buddy holding up a GIANT snake of some kind. So,yer thinkin'..what's the problem?
They were also smoking a joint.

I can't remem if I was an' Admin/Moderator at the time.If I was the Admin now,I'd go resurrect that thread. *Hint* somebody help me out here...Shawn were you at,Michelle help yer old war buddy out...
OK,super cool part.[I can ramble on a bit eh?] Not that anybody has EVER mentioned it before. OK..cool part.

2006 Rubb gets seriously fugged up by drunk driver.Sittin' around the house just enjoying the pain killers

feeling down,hurting finacially from not working[4 years] ,blah blah blah. Outa the blue the phone rings..picture a voice you hear on T.V. all the time,like Homer Simpson's Kwik-E mart guy Ahpoo. Well,it's Shenoy.How did he get my number? How did he get my Paypal? Ya my paypal. He says "Andy,I put a little something in your Paypal to help you over this my brother." Wow..shocked to say the least.I didn't know too much of him,apparantly he followed my posts. Anyway I decide to have a look at my paypal account.BOOM. He has sent me $1000.oo bucks. Wholly cow. I was thinkin' maybe 20 bucks or something,which I would have sent back anyway. So I waste no time,I send the dough back. Later that day I check my Paypal ,see whats going on. Its back.Yup,the whole grand is back in Paypal. OK,fug you Shenoy,I send it back. Look again its back.Send it back.Rinse and reapeat like 5 times. Next day,you guessed it,that man from India again. I don't know why but the accent makes me smile.Picture it,he say's...."Andy,you are fuggin' killing me with these Paypal fee's.You WILL take the money.In my culture you are fuggin' dissrespecting me." Well,I got an' earfull. So final outcome,I kept the money.Now the secret part...I used the funds to help out my brother's and sister's here on the Org.A part here,cash gift for a struggling person or two,sent flowers to folks who had a bad something or other happen,like loss of a loved one or even their pet. SShhhh dont tell Shenoy he will have my ballz cut off with one of them Sikn knives they all carry. They say its for ceremonial purpose but I know its for ball choppin'.
What do ya think..Eh..The Org Rocks!
This ladies and gentlemen concludes this advertisement for...YUP....Paypal.
ORG HISTORY: Here's the kind of guy that gets a tongue lashing and his post or pic removed[cant remem,one of the 2] for displaying himself and a buddy holding up a GIANT snake of some kind. So,yer thinkin'..what's the problem?
They were also smoking a joint.

OK,super cool part.[I can ramble on a bit eh?] Not that anybody has EVER mentioned it before. OK..cool part.

2006 Rubb gets seriously fugged up by drunk driver.Sittin' around the house just enjoying the pain killers

What do ya think..Eh..The Org Rocks!