S-R Racing
Yes,40mls is the shortest and 110mls would be the longest. My thinking was allow the longest amount of time possible to see if it would shift at all. Then if it did shift, start removing kill time to get the shortest time and still make accurate,positive shifts. I've had to remove mine several times for other things,a paint job,engine rebuild,aftermarket rearsets,etc. Each time I just repeated the setup procedure and everything work fine. I'm about out of ideasPM -->
110MLS is the highest and 40mls is the lowest. 40mls would be the quickest kill time right?S-R Racing @ Jul. 15 2008 said:1478076[/ATTACH] PM]
Other than adding kill time, everything else checks out. Set it at 140mls just to see if you get it to shift,if it does,start by removing kill time 10mls at a time working your way backwards. If it won't shift at max kill time it may be defective