PIX From ARIZONA ride, 4/20/08


Warren D. is my co-pilot
Donating Member
MODERATORS: Sorry about the double post. Please keep this one up, as it has all the pix.

First, a big thanks to Dejan (euroR) for setting up this ride. Nice route, great ride!

Dan (UR IT) took first position, and led the group at a good pace up to Yarnell Hill. My wife and I met everybody at the top of the hill (how long did you guys have to wait, anyway?), and we continued on to Prescott.

At Prescott, my wife, Mike on his TL-1000, and myself, headed towards I-17 to get home. Well, everything was just fine until the three of us got pulled over and cited. Nothing major, could have been worse  

We continued to the 17 at the speed limit, which meant that EVERYTHING on the road passed us, including Harleys. I think being passed the H-D really rubbed salt into our wounds  

Mike parted company with us just outside the city line, and my wife and I continued on. We pulled into the driveway after an uneventful final leg. As I removed my helmet, I felt something large crawling on the back of my neck. I thought nothing of it, and reached back to pick it off when WHAM! I felt like someone jammed an ice-pick through my middle finger. I dropped my $600+ helmet as I yanked my hand away, in a reflex reaction. First reaction was grab the helmet (it'll survive, but the mirrored visor is toast). After retrieving the lid from the gravel in my yard  
 I spotted a big ol' BEE next to my wife's rear tire. At least it wasn't a hornet, or something like that.

So, so sum it up: 2 tickets (Mrs. roadthing, and myself), 1 bee sting, 1 sick dog (forgot to mention that part), one F'd up helmet could not beat 1 good day of riding!

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