Placed a bid on ebay - need input


Formerly known as "Zuki"
Donating Member
Ok, I placed a bid on ebay for this car. Might play with it at the track this season, but looking to than part it out. Capable of 2000 hp twin turbo...figguring even if I invested about 35K into it, Im thinking I could part it out and make about I about right on my return potential on a 60K+ performance machine/ parts ?

<a href="

ategoryZ6236QQitemZ4621747400QQrdZ1" target="_blank">Ebay link to 85 ford twin-turbo</a>

my ebay name is Hdxbr2 as to show my intent is serious.

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man i dont know seems kind of risky not sure if you could make alot on this car cause not to many people are pro streetin mustangs like that so if you find the right buyer maybe
If it is something you want to race/drive and enjoy then I say go for it

But race cars don't make good investments
even if you part it
long will it take to sell it or the parts
and once you start parting
it out, it won't be drivable.
too risky. buying used race parts doesn't happen too often. We've got grove creek, Rock Falls, and BIR buddy. The guys at BIR are running their own stuff; Grove creek is too small for that type of car, which leaves ya Rock falls. Small audience to try and cater to dude.
Never seen or heard of this car in the mustang racing world,He's got some good parts in the car,but I've never heard or scene anything aboout the car and I keep up with the mustang seen.If youre wanting a turbo motor,just call up Kenny Duttweiler,Job Spetter,Randy Haywood,John Urist,John Bennet,or anybody else that runs Pro 5.0 in NMRA or FunFord.I have a friend that might sell a 408 that made 1950 Hp on Waynes Dyno,went 7:60 or 7:70 @ 200 I think in Rockinham on a shoestring budget!

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I have seen this guy drive this car to pre-tech last year for the BIR race I think he was runnig in king street and it is a very fast car but BIR only has two races (with no pay out) that have big turn outs for this kind of car unles oyu are going to travle to race. Me myself would have a hard time putting up the cash for this kind of car but thats just my .02
I don;t know man if you wana take the time to try and do that it's your choice granted it will take some time and i'd rather be riding then parting out a car even if it would possibly make me some money but what if it don't? then ya got all that time and effort into something that then you may just break even on anyways thats my view on it man your money and decision from there