Playstation 3 and Blu-Ray


The Pessimistic Optimist
Donating Member
SERIOUSLY considering snagging a PS3 (it's tourmenting the hell out of me
), shouldn't thou
Spent enough already...

Anyhow, one of the big draws to me is it also does Blu-Ray. Now I'm looking on Best buys website and they have a Sony Blu-Ray DVD player for $999.

What the heck does this $999 wonder machine do that the PS3 at $599 can't. Obviously that 999 machine can't play PS3 games...why is it $400 more and seemingly able to do whole lot less?
There is not enough support for Blue Ray right now for me to invest in it. I went with the Xbox 360 and continue to use my HD DVD player.
(Moparict @ Jan. 16 2007,18:flamethrowing:) There is not enough support for Blue Ray right now for me to invest in it. I went with the Xbox 360 and continue to use my HD DVD player.
For some reason I'm picturing you leering angrily at a Betamax sitting in a corner as you typed that message.
(Turbo-Torch @ Jan. 16 2007,18:41)
(Moparict @ Jan. 16 2007,18
) There is not enough support for Blue Ray right now for me to invest in it.  I went with the Xbox 360 and continue to use my HD DVD player.
For some reason I'm picturing you leering angrily at a Betamax sitting in a corner as you typed that message.

I'm a single, divorced daddy, so I don't run out and buy the latest and greatest. I typically see who is supporting it and what it really has to offer, then try to make an informed decision. The way I understand it, if you don't have a 1080p or i, whichever is the newest, then you won't fully realize the benefits of Blue Ray anyway. The Xbox 360 is 5.1 compliant and has outstanding optical quality also, not to mention a large following. And NO, I never bought Betamaxx, but that is funny!!!!

Well I broke down  

The playstation 3 is home. It is Baddd azzzz  

Blu-ray is freakish incredible  

Got Madden and Resistance, both look awesome.
You better do some research on the PS3 and older HDTV's. Many people with older HDTV's are finding out that the PS3 doesnt support the 720p or 1080i output to their "older" HDTV because of the refresh rate the PS3 produces. Most older HDTV's cant handle the refresh rate and will automaticly default back to the 480p and you will have spent $600 for nothing. Blue-ray while it sounds great is another problem. I would wait until the new DVD "format war" is over. Industry is still going back and forth over the blue-ray and HD-DVD formats. I've read that the HD-DVD is the way to go because right now Blue-ray doesnt do "dual layered" discs meaning that more of the information on the disc is closer to the surface. That means you can damage the disc much easier than you can with a standard DVD. HD-DVD is dual layered like the current DVD's we all use and therefore can take a bit more of a beating. Both the Xbox and the PS3 do 5.1 surround. All you need is an optical cable to take advantage of the 5.1 on a 360. Not sure about PS3. IMO i'd go with Xbox unless the $600 doesnt bother you and you dont want to worry about easily damaging the new blue-ray discs.
Passed up a PS3 about 2 weeks ago, was sorta bummed so I got a gsxr750 to make me feel, anyhow still playing the PS2. Last night Batman and I spent about 6 hours playing Tourist Trophy - Until they make something better for the PS3, Im just gonna stick with the PS2 and wait for the price to drop.
(Zuki @ Jan. 17 2007,07:22) Passed up a PS3 about 2 weeks ago, was sorta bummed so I got a gsxr750 to make me feel, anyhow still playing the PS2. Last night Batman and I spent about 6 hours playing Tourist Trophy - Until they make something better for the PS3, Im just gonna stick with the PS2 and wait for the price to drop.
That could have been 6 hours of riding!
(Gunnybusa @ Jan. 17 2007,09:26) That could have been 6 hours of riding!
Yah well with the temp at -5 below and 6 inches of snow on the ground, I decided to play Tourist Trophy
(Zuki @ Jan. 17 2007,07:22) Passed up a PS3 about 2 weeks ago, was sorta bummed so I got a gsxr750 to make me feel, anyhow still playing the PS2. Last night Batman and I spent about 6 hours playing Tourist Trophy - Until they make something better for the PS3, Im just gonna stick with the PS2 and wait for the price to drop.
MotoGP 06 is pretty good on the Xbox 360!!
(Moparict @ Jan. 17 2007,11:32)
(Zuki @ Jan. 17 2007,07:22) Passed up a PS3 about 2 weeks ago, was sorta bummed so I got a gsxr750 to make me feel, anyhow still playing the PS2. Last night Batman and I spent about 6 hours playing Tourist Trophy - Until they make something better for the PS3, Im just gonna stick with the PS2 and wait for the price to drop.
MotoGP 06 is pretty good on the Xbox 360!!
dang, bruddah-with your avatar I'da thought you'd be all over Gears Of War! LoL

I recently went thru the same dilemma....broke down n got a 360 so I can game with all my homies round here. I still have a '99 tv so no point in gettn a PS3 cuz I cant even see all the extra goodness of blu-ray (or HD for that matter).

Until I get a new LCD or plasma, not investing $$ on Bluray or HD...but my brother just took a PT job at Best Buy n he gets all their tvs at cost, so shouldnt be too long now!
(yea I know B.Buy is full of Xmas hum-buggeryness, but Im still shopn there if it saves me $800 on a big-screen)
(BigDiesel @ Jan. 17 2007,10:01)
(Moparict @ Jan. 17 2007,11
(Zuki @ Jan. 17 2007,07:22) Passed up a PS3 about 2 weeks ago, was sorta bummed so I got a gsxr750 to make me feel, anyhow still playing the PS2. Last night Batman and I spent about 6 hours playing Tourist Trophy - Until they make something better for the PS3, Im just gonna stick with the PS2 and wait for the price to drop.
MotoGP 06 is pretty good on the Xbox 360!!
dang, bruddah-with your avatar I'da thought you'd be all over Gears Of War! LoL  

I recently went thru the same dilemma....broke down n got a 360 so I can game with all my homies round here. I still have a '99 tv so no point in gettn a PS3 cuz I cant even see all the extra goodness of blu-ray (or HD for that matter).

Until I get a new LCD or plasma, not investing $$ on Bluray or HD...but my brother just took a PT job at Best Buy n he gets all their tvs at cost, so shouldnt be too long now!
(yea I know B.Buy is full of Xmas hum-buggeryness, but Im still shopn there if it saves me $800 on a big-screen)
Actually, I do have Gears of War, Chrome Hounds, Rainbow Six Las Vegas, MotoGP 06, Madden 07, Oblivian, Open Season (for my boy, although it is fun as crap to play), PGR3.

I go by BoogerMcMoron if you care to play!!!
just a word to the wise. To help with the format war of blu-ray and HD-DVD..... The porn industry just went with HD-dvd and normaly what ever porn wants, they get. They chose VHS over Beta Max in 80`s so in my opion ( and everyone has one) I see HD-DVD takin over in just a few years.

And Im still trying to get my wife to let me buy a PS3.
1 gajillion plus PS3 sold vs HD...Blu-Ray and Sony ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

I would think the PS alone would vastly outweigh the HD only players sold.
cant there be room for both? I understand warner brothers can now put both the HD DVD and Blue Ray on one disk anyone heard anything on this?