Please Help Me I need to get this one right!


So, I"ve only got two weeks with Her.

The girl I've loved for 3 years, We've been apart Alot lately, shes in SoCal doing university things, and I'm in the military, but I've got a two week window coming up in 1.2 months

So, heres the question.

She Loves hiking, rockclimbing, camping, being in nature.
We've both spent weeks combined in the national parks, and beautiful scenery of America,

However, we are nearly never at the same time, in the same place to do these things we both love so much.

So, I need help. I need to find a place where we can go hiking. camp a few nights, and spend some quiet time together.

The requirements are:

NEEDS to be warm and green.

Trees too.

Perhaps some low-lying mountains, or green forest/valleys.

Streams are a plus, but not Mandatory,

and terrian needs to be included too, (meaning, good hiking) a bit of climbing is acceptable, We've both got gear and have climbed before.

I apprciate any and all ideas, perhaps some place you've been in your past, that really stuck out for you ;)

Oh, and we'll be riding a Hayabusa on the way TO this place, cant leave that out! :thumbsup:








I was just at the Kern River in Cali. has all of the above.
Where are you going to be?
Sequoia National park in California. Beautiful area with lots of hiking possibilities and a great place to jump in some clear water and swim.:thumbsup:
Go to Yosemite :thumbsup:

Sequoia National park in California. Beautiful area with lots of hiking possibilities and a great place to jump in some clear water and swim.:thumbsup:

You guys are right on the mark and you can actually do both in one day.
I have done it twice and the drive from the Sequoia to Yosemite is beautiful.

If I can find a pic I will post it here.
Well what do you know I found some.
These really make me miss it up there.
Sorry if these dont make you want to go but they are the best I could find, havent been there in a couple of years, heck man you stay here and I'll go!
The ride on a Busa would be awesom.
Thanks for jarring my memory BA BUSA and 2BmrsDO3 (and congrats by the way)










So, I"ve only got two weeks with Her.

The girl I've loved for 3 years, We've been apart Alot lately, shes in SoCal doing university things, and I'm in the military, but I've got a two week window coming up in 1.2 months

So, heres the question.

She Loves hiking, rockclimbing, camping, being in nature.
We've both spent weeks combined in the national parks, and beautiful scenery of America,

However, we are nearly never at the same time, in the same place to do these things we both love so much.

So, I need help. I need to find a place where we can go hiking. camp a few nights, and spend some quiet time together.

The requirements are:

NEEDS to be warm and green.

Trees too.

Perhaps some low-lying mountains, or green forest/valleys.

Streams are a plus, but not Mandatory,

and terrian needs to be included too, (meaning, good hiking) a bit of climbing is acceptable, We've both got gear and have climbed before.

I apprciate any and all ideas, perhaps some place you've been in your past, that really stuck out for you ;)

Oh, and we'll be riding a Hayabusa on the way TO this place, cant leave that out! :thumbsup:









Where did you take the picture of the owl?
he is cool.
:beerchug: Plenty of places in the Southwest.

Good luck and have fun!!!
Well what do you know I found some.
These really make me miss it up there.
Sorry if these dont make you want to go but they are the best I could find, havent been there in a couple of years, heck man you stay here and I'll go!
The ride on a Busa would be awesom.
Thanks for jarring my memory BA BUSA and 2BmrsDO3 (and congrats by the way)

Glad things are going good ...........but ...............aahhh...........
3 years ??? girl.................hhhmmmmm.............the word frat parties come to mind.......:whistle:

JKJKJKJK let me just say that before my stupid sense of humor gets my ass kicked again Enjoy the ride:beerchug::thumbsup: both of them:whistle:
ah, Budda that is stunningly beautiful!

A guy couldnt ask for a better post than that! :thumbsup:

anyone know of any place near missouri/arkansas?

I was strongly advised to go there by a girl earlier today

I found some more pictures of our trips together.

Remember, I've been with her for 3 years, so she's young in some of them. (but it's ok beceause I was too) = )










At the end of the rainbow is a pot of.....Katie! :laugh:


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I know this isnt really a photo-sharing thread, but I found em while looking for places we've been, and ran across em.
:thumbsup: great shots.
Thanks for the pics,
Good luck and safe riding where ever you end up.
Oh and although I may look like him I am not Budda :laugh: