Please Would like Info???


Could any one with information as to results found on big end problems,please let me know of cause.Hesitant to purchase Busa until I have more info.Thanks Boss
I spoke to a Suzuki rep today when I picked up my 1300,They said that the crank problems are usually caused from people not breaking in the bike properly.
Further, per Suzuki, in a large percentage of crankshaft related problems through warranty, evidence of modification to the pink wire was found.

Marty Kane, Editor
If I understand it right, the pink wire tells the injection system wich gear the bike is in. And when it comes to 5 and 6 gear it gives the bike a richer mixture to compensate for the ram air effect. When u cut the pink wire u get a leaner mixture in 5 and 6 and its damn hard to hear any engine knocks that takes place when u are traveling at 150+. This in turn could lead to a possibile big end failour.
But, if this is true that the pink wire does this it would also mean it would give a to rich mixture when u are testing the bike on a rolling dynaometer ( like a dynojet ) without a REALLY big fan in front of the bike. This in turn could lead to Dyno personal who have acsess to the Youshimura engine managment system ( or simular ) to adjust down the fuelling to get ahigher peak value when dhey are testing the bike in 5 and 6th gear. And we will have a simular situation like cutting the pink wire. Anyone hot comments on this ?

And yeah I tested my other streetbike yesterday. Got 208,1 horspower out of it ( normaly aspirated no turbo no nitrous no bullshit just a bad GS1100EF )
come on
the pink wire as the cause of the failure
sounds like a cop-out to me
i think that suzuki was happy about all this pink wire controversy (they read these boards you know) just so that they could have something to blame their problems on

what do you think?

Bearings fail for several reasons, being the wrong size, which I dought in this case, lack of oil, caused by reving the piss out of the bike before it is warmed up and the oil has not had time to flow to all the parts,or riding the bike like a uni-cycle (which i have seen guys ride wheelies leaving every stop light) causing the oil to move to the back of the pan where the pick up can't get at it. Now as far as the pink wire, when you remove it it richens up 1st to 3rd causing the bike to wheelie easyer and leans out 4th to 6th causing detenation which puts stress on the lower half of the motor so in theary, Suzuki could be right on that one. Ok guys its time to fess up. All the guys that are having problems with there bike, be men and tells us your riding habbits. Riding habbits I believe cause a lot of the problems. I have had more bikes ranging from dirt to touring, street to drag. And nock on wood, I never had any problems other then the ones I caused my self by modifing something. (And none of them being blown bearings)