Polished rim edges question....


I've seen a bunch of pics of guys with their rims polished. Anyone know what the procedure is for this and how time consuming it is? Thanks.
If you polish your rims you'll hate life if you ride the bike a lot! You need to clean/polish them about once a day, they have a ton of upkeep. If you get them chromed you just grab a towl and wipe them off...
I think the rims you are seeing aren not polished as much as they are stripped. Suzuki gave gave stainless lips with a cast center portion.

You use a $3 dollar can of paint stripper from ACE and spray it on the lib and wipe of the paint. and Shazzam you have what appears to be polished rims. When you look at your wheels you can clearly see where the lip endes and the cast portion begins.

Precausions. I would tape of the center cast portion. while you will not strip the paint from it the stripper will cause some fading on the cast portion if you get stripper on this.

Use steel wool to scrub off any paint areas that dont just wipe off.

This is a free mod and I did it on my 92 and 99 suzuki. It takes about 1 hr per wheel. BUT for some reason the fron is harder to do, the paint doesnt seem to come off as easily.

At the bottom of my page you can see how it helps the bike look a little lighter and not so heavy.

e-mail me at jumper@fastlane.net if are interested and I can give you more information I learned from my stripping experience.

[This message has been edited by speed (edited 14 July 2000).]