Portland Oregon, Saturday June 6 2000. Be there or be talked about.


Anyone want to go for an informal ride? I hear the weather is going to be nice. I'd sure like to meet those of you in the area, and I'd really like to benefit from your experience. I have a blue Bus. I just left a message for a guy that I met that has a red Bus. I am flexible on time and location, in fact I'm open to suggestions. God bless.
Hey Kirk,

Noticed you're a Christian and ride a busa. Me too. Rock on dude.

I'd like to invite you to my church website where I've started a board of my own using the same UBB software the busa boards have. I've just started it and it would be nice to see a fellow rider join in. Hope to see you 'round.


just click bulletin board link on the right of the main page.
