Possible Hayabusa Logo

I don't know. Do you guys want words? tell me what to do and I'll try some different things.
The main thing, Pete, I was doing was making a Falcon that didn't look so "Precious Moments." Those big, bug eyes and that tiny beak look WAY out of place on the back of my jacket!
Keep coming with the input!

Bert Branson
The L.A. Hayabusas
Looks like an ink blot with a splash of yellow.

Dirty Petes version ia better piece of art work. That will probably turn this thread into the big question "what is Art anyway"

Try USAF aircraft fighter group patches for an idea. Dirty Pete you may be able to suggest a book you had mentioned before.

:) it's nice that you asking for input :)
I don't know about words but I think the Hayabusa symbol LARGE behind it would look cool. One of the things I like about the Busa is it is the first really in your face piece of Japanese art. I'm not offended by it. I actually like the Bushido of it.
My stab was more polished art, but I like the BRUTALITY of this falcon.

I'd keep the overall feel intentionally rough, maybe put words around the face in a circle in a upper case round-edged serif face...like a Teamster's patch.

What words? Perhaps we don't need the word HAYABUSA or HAYABUSA.ORG. After all, it's about attitude, not advertising.

The attitude is "I'll rip your a-s-s or die trying."

And you don't want to be wearing HAYABUSA in big letters when you're on a different bike, right?

What words? How about:


ALWAYS above, HUNGRY below.

Wear THAT patch on a lesser bike at your own risk.

Hey Pete, I'm not such a great artist...if you like the design and want to incorporate my non wussie Falcon into one of yours (I liked your first design...hint, hint...sub falcon for eagle) you can.
I kinda like the idea of the Falcon's head on top of the Hayabusa symbol or maybe the symbol for POWER or FIRE or LIFE or something like that.

Thanks for the input.

Bert Branson
The L.A. Hayabusas

PS: Kawabuser, the legality of using the military's artwork is a FREAKIN' NIGHTMARE! Nuff' said...
Bert I could do that if you get sufficient Members' concensus on the image AND words.

I don't want to take up that torch again.

Last time I got alcohol poisoning and slit my bike's wrist pins with a straight razor.
It kind of looks like a pissed-off
chicken [I say,I say]to me. Will
check out some Japanese silk screens
for falcon pics.[might get side tracked]

[This message has been edited by Konrad (edited 08 October 1999).]
...you should check out the logo for the Falcon North West computer...it is about what you guys got in mind and they said they don't care what you do with it as long as it don't have to do with computers...it would make a good model for the logo you are developing... go to www.falcon-nw.com and see...
That straight on headshot (Branson's) caught me by supprise, makes a powerful statement. I like the idea of the kanji behind it, or as part of it in some way. Maybe smaller? Or off to the side? In it's own circle?

The profile shot looks a little too friendly (www.falcon-nw.com), but the artwork-style was nice, I like the way they did the feathers, sharp, jagged.
I will be in the bomb shelter waiting.

I did not say rip off a design, you were asking what and where to find inspiration(call it what you want).

Some of the greatest art forms for symbolic images ARE on WWII US BOMBERS. The Busa flies down any road it wants(think freedom) and it can annialate what ever it wants(think preditor).

Well you asked anyway, the problem with ART is that everybody is a critic.

So at this point we are somewhere between Thrush Muffler Bird and an Ink Blot with Yellow.
NO sweat brada we get myna berd ova hea -
throw one hula skirt an go

[This message has been edited by maui (edited 09 October 1999).]
I like the Falcon North West logo, its got some great detail. Maybe one of you artists could use the same detail but at about 45 degee angle rather than side on. Harv
Hey Bert: Not to be discouraging but getting this Forum to agree on a design is like asking 45 drunk cattle rustlers in a bordello to pick the cutest whore.

Ain't gonna happen.