posting pics

Use the search button, there are a few threads out there that give step by step.

I use photobucket, unload pictures there, then click on the little box (IMG Code) that gives me the link and I paste it on the site here.

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You can host them on another site and link the url here, like most sig pics. And Powers, that pic is wrong on so many levels! At the bottom of each page, click the browse button. That will let you search your computer for the picture you want to post. Double click the pic you want to upload, then the open window by the browse button will fill in. Then click quick post and viola, its up. If the pic is too large, then you will get an error telling you so. Just keep resizing your image until it uploads. The 640x480 seems to work well for me. Any program you can view a picture with should have the options to resize as well. Good luck!
thanks for the info i will give it a try
easy way to post pics.
below the post box you will see another box with a "Browse" botton next to it. Click on "browse" and locate the picture on your harddrive. double click on pic. and when you add your reply the picture will post at the sametime. You may have to reduce the file size because if it is to big the board won't allow it.

if you get a google picassa account it is pretty simple and it will resize for you...

by far the easiest I have used and I own a pic hosting site