Power Commander in UK


Right, have managed to get a quote for £235 all up for a PCII for the BUSA.

Some bloke was £300!!!!! I laugh at you sir!!!

Anyone know of a cheaper place??

Don't know if I should be doing this.......

Nuts ;)
What's 235lbs. in USD? I dont have that funkyass L character on keyboard. :)
Your PC2 has been in for a few weeks,I thought you were coming in last Saturday.Not to worry, sorry for the missunderstanding when would you like to have it fitted?
Map sent tonight sorry for delay.I've had problems with Pooh's quickshifter design but its working now and no FI light flashing etc.
PDQ are the only importers in the UK, if anyone under cuts them they get upset. As they control the supply to the UK you can bet nobody undercuts them or if they do they won't be selling PCIIs very long!! ;)

Other than that PDQs are a good company, they keep a database of all mods to all bikes and the dyno runs so they can give you a rough idea of expected BHP before you hand over the reddies.

I've just started using Dynospeed and am very impressed with the service so far.
Our price will be the same as PDQ however we will fit dyno test and set up your PC2 £80 on the new Dynojet 250.
As a importer of go faster goodies I will recommend one thing always buy your electronics from an offical UK importer or rep if things go wrong a good supplier will replace them in a few days.If the parts have been imported specifically for you or on the cheap, if things go tits up you could wait months for a replacement.
Having said that I've NEVER had a PC2 go wrong.
Hey Gasabusa where is my map that you said you would send and I have had two faulty Power Commanders the first kept moving the TPS every time you plugged it in and would not run right and the second kept causing the motor to cut out for no apparent reason new one seems to be okay but have suffered the odd stumble and cut out so not 100% sure I am out of the woods yet.

[This message has been edited by bruce (edited 02 August 2000).]

[This message has been edited by bruce (edited 02 August 2000).]
If you wanna try before you buy, NN, you can have a blat with mine at the weekend if you want. Still on for Sunday? You've probably replied already but my e-mail at home is on the fritze. I'll fix it tonight. Anyway, if you fancy a quick splerge, I'll bring along a laptop wih a series of maps so you can have a quick go before we run up to 'pod.

[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 02 August 2000).]

Thanks for the offer, but I will save you the trouble!!. I have got myself set on the idea, especially when I get the oooh, secret!!)........So I will be getting one, but might have to wait a while

Hey, you are the first message I have typed from my now at home internet connection!!

Aren't Laptops marvellous!!

Nuts ;)
You are quite right, I do have e-mail!!

thanks Tangram, see you Sunday, 8.30am Flitwick hall car park. Cant miss it!!

Nuts ;)