Power socket fabrication


So I'm finally getting around to fabing up a bracket for my power socket and I thought the perfect place for it would be the right front bolt on the handle bars, where it says Hayabusa. I don't know what this area is really called so bare with me but I grabbed a wrench and started turning and the nut & bolt start rotating! Crap! How do you get the nut off?
I wired a plug to my tank bag, and i have both switched as a well as battery power going in to the tank bag!
Interesting idea especially since I just bought a tank bag but I don't think I want that thing floppin around. I'd rather have it permenantly installed.
I'm assuming you took the chrome caps off to reveal the Allen bolt heads, right? Then there are nuts on the bottom.

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OK! So got everything fabbed up now there's just one thing left, do I connect both wires to the battery or the ground wire to some part of the frame?