Well the Powerball jackpot has hit a record high..
<span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:dropshadow(color=red)>$340 MILLION!</table></span>
Since it is not available in all states, I thought some of you might want to get in at a chance for this.
I could pool Powerball money together today, buy the tickets 1/2 hour before the cutoff, post photo of the tickets...
what you think?
<span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:dropshadow(color=red)>$340 MILLION!</table></span>
Since it is not available in all states, I thought some of you might want to get in at a chance for this.
I could pool Powerball money together today, buy the tickets 1/2 hour before the cutoff, post photo of the tickets...
what you think?