pressure plate

I would be afraid of the platers process. Once the pressure plate has been in oil, the metal gets impregnated microscopically. Quality plating starts with an acid bath to get any residue off. Cheap plating companies don't always do this. Long story short, I would be worried that the chrome would flake off. I feel it would be safer to get it powder-coated or get a brand new one and take it to a plater you trust. I polished mine.
I would rather just polish the top of the hat.


When I was polishing I found that chrome doesn't stick to aluminum all that well over the long haul anyway (lost count of how many sets of Mercedes and Porsche wheels I done due to flaking chrome). Add to that the heating/cooling, expansion/ contraction (although microscopic, still there) of clutch components, I wouldn't expect that plating to last for very long, even on a new, never in oil, part.