Pretty sure water in gas


Hey y'all... I have a 2023 Busa with 3,000 miles.. Yesterday, I topped her off with 93 octane like I always do.. Today I started her up and she sounds like missing on cylinders and then slowly dies at idle, unless I roll the throttle to 2k rpms and then the engine is running rough and missing. (No backfiring but a lot of white smoke from the exhaust.) I'm suspecting water in the gas from my fill up yesterday. My question is, should I drain the gas or just run her until all the that stuff is pushed out of the system??? I only put about 2 gallons in yesterday when I topped her off.
Id drain it and it oxegenated ? if so very unlikely it would have water as the alky and water would mix (unless it has a LOT of water in it)
Did you purchase gas from a reputable gas station? If so you shouldn't have water in your tank. But if you do have water in your tank try a product called Startron fuel treatment I use to use it all the time in my boat engine.

Did you purchase gas from a reputable gas station? If so you shouldn't have water in your tank. But if you do have water in your tank try a product called Startron fuel treatment I use to use it all the time in my boat engine.

It was through a grocery store owned gas station.. On the east coast there's a chain called, Harris Teeter.. They built a gas station down the street from my house. Never had any issues with them until yesterday.
a friend of mine filed an insurance claim against a gas station that sold him watered down fuel. the auto shop that performed the repairs saved some of the fuel for court purposes if it got to that point. he had the fuel pump/ filter changed out and the injectors were removed to get serviced. the gas station insurance covered the bill. food for thought incase expensive parts have to start getting replaced.
Let’s hope running good fuel with SeaFoam will clean the system. Hopefully the filter wasn’t gummed up with a water/fuel mix. Doesn’t sound like it was run very long with the water fouled fuel. Making sure to never fuel up at a station while the truck is there delivering fuel is also wise. Keeping a full tank after a ride also helps prevent condensation in the tank to combat rust.