Problem after PC3 install


I recently insalled a PC3 on my "02" Busa. Only mod's done as of now are 4into 1 TRS Yosh exhaust and K&N air filter. The only map I could find to download was for a Yoshimura Duplex exhaust and after market filter. At first the bike seemed to idle smooth and the throtle responce was great, but the more I ride it I seem to have a hard time with the bike running smooth at low rpm's. Even downshifting when coming to a stop the bike will want to shut off, almost like it is getting too much fuel. My qustion is should I spend the money to put it on a dyno and have it tuned by a pro? Or could I download a map file for another exhaust that specifies a four into 1, and not a duel/ dupex exhaust. I have a ride coming up next weekend that I would like not to worry with this problem when ridding. I guess I could always put the stock settings back in.
With the PC software open , click Tools then click Environment Options then have the settings marked to reset the PC buttons when sending the map. This will rule out problems when the buttons have been used .

Set the hot engine idle at 1200 rpm - open the Power Commander Tools tab and reset the throttle position . Tutorial on the PC site if needed .

Try the 005 map this time and make sure it is promoted to Maximum Resolution before sending .

Report back in this thread .