Programming a pc iii usb


My bike's been running well, but I finally got into programming the PCIIIUSB today (Dynojet Power Commander).

The shop loaded up a 2002 Hayabusa Stock Air Filter Stock Exhaust Map, and I'm running a 2006 K&N with open Two Brothers exhaust.

I was kinda disappointed that they didn't load up the proper map, but what can you do.

When I did load up a modifed map, I was surprised (using "compare map" feature) at how different the two maps were. The bike runs great with the new map, but I'm now curious about the difference between the two. I'd love to dyno them, but can't. Has anyone Dyno'ed with different maps? I'm sure many of you are in the same boat as me (PC with aftermarket exhaust).

Also, what do the numbers mean? Are they "difference from baseline for the duration of the fuel pulse?"
Power commander wrote me back when I asked about mapping, telling me this insightful tidbit:

"All of our maps are designed to get the best performance out of the machine. You can take one of the maps and lean it out from the bottom end and midrange to get some better economy if you wish to do so. As far as the numbers in the map go, they are equal to a percentage. A 20 means, 20% more fuel than the stock ECU is supplying. You can reach us at a local number of xxx-xxx-xxxx if you would like to speak with a tech. Use map 312-003 for the arrow slip ons. That map will work great for you. Try it out and let me know if you have further questions."