Pit Bull

Well, after about an hour or two of pullin' my hair, cussing, and drinking a couple of cold ones, I put the new map that JohnnyCheese sent me for the PC II on my '01 Busa. I had borrowed my Dr. friend's laptop and had everything good to go and when I tried to save the map that was already on it I kept getting something like "com 2 ready, powercommander not found". I'm like - I ain't lost it it's right here all hooked up and ready to go. I then went inside and went to powercommander.com and looked at the FAQ section and found that same statement and it said that the program wasn't communicating with the PC II and to check the connections to the PC II and the computer. I checked them and retightened them a couple of times to no avail. Then I came in and took my home computer and drug it outside and set it up in the garage and hooked it up and BAM, it worked like a champ! Since I had the couple of Labatts, I figgered I should stay off of the Beast and wait for some other time to see if the new map gets rid of that stutter at arround 3500 RPM. Anyway, I got a new Joe Rocket Blaster jacket that matches the bike and my helmet pretty darned close so I'll wait and get some pics of me in the new gear (if the sun ever comes out again here in Michigan).

Pit Bull
man sounds like a lot of bull to go through, I've thought that before since i dont have a laptop, at least when i do my turbo i'll have the bike apart enough just to take the pciiir in the house to program. i've even thought of gettin like a 100' cable to reach from the house to the garage :laugh: :laugh: :biggrin:
Chances are that your doctor buddy has a pocket pc or PDA.  He may be running HotSync Manager.  That needs to be shut down to free up the Serial Port.  Look in the lower right hand corner of the screen.  The Icon is a red and blue circle with arrows meeting in the middle. Right click on the icon and exit out of this program.  Everything should start to work.  Hope this helps. :wink:

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your using the wrong serial port in the back!! Either switch where the software looks for the PC or swtich the polug to the OTHER serial port.
Busagod, you were right on about the hotsync running in the background, now that you mention it. Fstbusa, I tried to use the auto configure feature and it wouldn't work, I had to try each of the 8 possible choices manually before I discovered that com port 2 was to only one that would configure properly. Anyway, I got it to work on my home computer after I carried it out and set it up in my garage. Should be good to go - hope the weather cooperates with me here in Michigan - it's supposed to SNOW here - hope it passes me, so I can get in a quick ride. Thanks all for your input and suggestions.

Pit Bull
Mine has the same stutter but seems closer to 4000 rpm. I have not tried Johnnycheese's map yet either due to weather, not to mention that I have to yank it off of the bike to load the map. My laptop has a bad battery. Maybe I can find an outlet that I can park close to.
This is direct out of Section 7 Troubleshooting com (serial) port issues:

"Numbers should appear at the top of the software in the monitor area. In most cases the software will find the port that the Power Commander is attached to. If not there may be several reasons why it has not. Make sure that you do not have other software that uses the 9 pin serial port running such as Palm Pilot or digital camera software. If such software is running it will often have an icon in the task bar.
Right click this icon and select “exitâ€￾"

Here's ya a link. http://www.powercommander.com/man_download.shtml

Hope it helps in the future. Believe me; I too was frustrated about a year ago after I installed HotSync. Manager