Question about exhaust change


I just picked up a used Ti Force system and I don't have a power commander yet. Since I'm doing the low buck approach to mods, I won't have the cash to get the PC for awhile. Will I get any benefit of installing the pipe without the PC? or should I wait until i get the power commander and a new map.
If you got a full system and you install it without getting a re-map I am pretty sure you are just going to have a fairly cruddy running bike, I don't know if it is harmfull or not but hopefully a real expert can help you a little better than I. But I do now that you can expect some roughness with it until you get a PC installed...

I wonder if it's possible to have your bike tuned without a PC? Just some dyno time...
I think it can be remapped with the teka box? But I'd have to pay the dealer or shop to do that. I'll probably wait until I have the cash for the PC before the install. I am worried about doing damage if its running lean from the pipe.