Question for builders/rebuilders


How the fock do you turn the crankshaft after you've tightened down a cap or two? If I just put finger pressure on one of the caps, the crankshaft locks up on me. I've got assembly grease all over everything, but this focking crankshaft will not turn! With a 10" wrench no less.

I'm trying to hold the crankshaft in with only the end caps in, is that the problem? Do I need to install and torque all the endcaps for it to turn freely?

If it matters, this is an i4 2L from a Ponticrap Sunbirdshit.

Check the clearance difference between the crank and the bearings. You can use plastigauge or use the more accurate method of micrometers and dial bore gauge for the bearings. I would think you should have anywhere from .002"-.004" of clearance.
I have more than a few thousandths. I cannot even get the caps flush, because the crank wants to sit up above the bearing surface. Almost like it's being gripped by the ends of the bearings.