Question for JohnnyCheese


Could I get some info regarding refitting wheels??

After removing the wheels (ever tried this with the 'busa's tool kit? ... don't!) I discover that there are no separate spacers anywhere. Is this correct? or did I loose them as I was in a mad rush?

From what I can see there is a built-in space on the left fork leg, but what about the right side....what "spaces" the fork leg before tightening the two bolts at the bottom?

For the rear, the caliper braket appears to be the spacer for that side...on the sproket side there's none that right??

As always, I'm very grateful for any help you can offer.
let me look at my manual ok
The front wheel has no spacers on either side
It uses a spacernut on the left and the axle on the right.

The rear has a spacer inbetween the sprocket carrier and the wheel and one one each side outer sprocket and outer disc that is a tight fit in the bearings.
Hope this helps.
ps. don't forget to torque the axles