question for Marines


revolution custom paint
Donating Member
whats up fellas, been a while but still here for those that know me.

i'm thinking of a paint theme and don't want to disrespect any Marines.

my question is if the theme would be disrespectful. i don't think it would but have to ask. it is definitely hardcore for sure. i'm thinking of a "We don't die we multiply" "sempre fi mutha ****" Marine skeleton/zombie theme. with Marine skeletons clenching knives in their mouthes and tearing up enemies.

the more i write it the more i realize it's not such a good idea...

i got mad respect for u guys, just thinking of some hardcore paint.
I (as a former active duty Marine) like it. but leave off the "F" word so it is grandma safe. What I see when I read this resembles a portion of what I want on my back when I do my back Tatt.

Just one Marines opinion
I also need to add a couple of items to my previous post.

#1 and most important of all. It is cool to pay tribute, but DO NOT pose as or imply that you are a Marine if you are not. I know that is not the intention, but I just felt that the obvious needed stating, not for your benefit but for others who may read this. I like this idea very much.

#2 Please put me at the top of the list when these go up for sale as I was the first to reply to your question. LMAO. I am saving every penny I have in anticipation of these going up for sale.

Thanks and I hope you run with this idea
My first question is whether you are/were a member of the Corps? If not I'd leave it alone. You can ask people here about there opinions but I can certainly see some guy who went through hell in WW II, Korea, Nam, Iraq and Afganistan to name a few places, who might take real offense at your bad language in front of the wife that took care of his kids while he was risking his life for all of us.

Leave it alone. Paint some skulls or something. Jarheads got enough to worry about without some guy screaming through the hood with their colors on the side of his loud bike...
im not a member of the corps. i do have respect for all those that serve.

i think if i was a member i'd probably go with it without the F* word. but as i wrote the beginning of this thread i realized a family member of one who has passed might have bad/sad feelings by looking at the bike. since i was typing and realized as i typed i decided to still post it up.

i think i'm going to go with something more generic like this pic i found online.

thanks again for your appreciated input all.

Hey, Rev! Not a former military member of anything except fighting my way through survival. Were you able to move your '7 Deadlies'? You do a good job! I like the theme you are lookin' at and wondered about carrying on the timelessness of a Marine's spirit through historical references rather than skeletons? Like imagery of past battles blended with the morphisis of the Marine personna (development of Special Ops, etc.)? Just a thought. I'm sure it'll look good no matter what you chose to do. Kudos to you, my friend! :thumbsup: :beerchug:
Marine, Gulf war vet here brother, pay no attention to the posts above, Marine or Not,I wouldnt mind seeing anything that honors the Corps on anyones bike,car,truck,boat whatever, you dont have to serve to show respect. and on the flip side,if you were in the Corps and you ride around with some hard *** **** on your bike like mentioned,I hope you did more then polish your m16:poke:

semper fi
If I put a pic of an f-117 on my tank....does that mean I want you to think I'm an f-117 pilot? I don't thinik so. I agree to leave off the f words and would add to bolster the courage and history of the Corps, not the "I love to kill" image. Raydog
