Questions for Dirty Pete


Hey DP, how do you like your current performance mods? What different maps did you "play" with? Did you notice any downside with any of them? The reason i ask is that i have the same mods except the airbox mod, which i should have soon and i want to compare maps for cool Canada weather to hot and sticky FL> weather. Thanks for your help. BTW you forgot UK is good for Scotch Whiskey, Harrier Jump Jet, Concorde, Mclaren F1, Sheep Cloning/ shagging, oh and they have James Bond to your Jim
Ian I'm very happy with my mods. 175 peak rwhp since the cams, with a 4 hp loss thru the mid. But then, the mid was already up 7 - 10 over stock due to the pipe and Motorhead's box.

Runs VERY smoothly everywhere. You can pin it at 2,000 rpm in 6th and it will go to top speed without a hiccup.

I'm running the 006 map @ 0/0/+2.

I haven't dyno tuned or even dropped in Motorhead's custom maps yet. I'm hoping to beef up the mid a little by doing that.

Adding a 42 rear to my 16 front as soon as the little sucker gets here.

How are you doing, hp wise?
DP, I have not dynoed yet but hope to soon. Where can i get a copy of the map you are currently using? Do you think it will be suitable for hot climates? Did you try running your pipe/cam mods with the stock map? If so what were the results.
forgot to mention I lived in Sarasota for 3 yrs. and know the climate, about the same as here, it'll be fine.