Radar detecter troubles


just installed 2 beltronics rx65 radar detecters and i used the hardwire to power it up. the problem is that the power keeps reading low voltage when ever i hit a bump in the road then it shuts down and restarts. I double checked and triple checked the wiring and even had beltronics send me a new hardwire and still this happens. does anyone have this radar and has the same problem with a fix. I believe it has something to do with the power jack but when i shake it nothing happens. I tested the voltage and thats fine.its now going directly to my battary and still the same. please help. sould i get a different radar.
Pehaps connect a voltmeter to the same feed and then with the Detector connected duplicate the problem if there is a dip in the voltage as the detector reboots then the problem is prior to your connection if no dip then it is either the plug or detector

It's possible the Bike or Car has a fault that never showed itself before

Could you temporarily fix the plug solid with insulation tape to see if that is where the bad connection lies
it is direct to battery with fuse. and i will try the voltmeter. but if it was wired direct to batter why whould would it dip down the battery should hold enough jucie to keep it going. and i also have a HID with and 8 second timer and that doesn't shut off at all.
Pehaps connect a voltmeter to the same feed and then with the Detector connected duplicate the problem if there is a dip in the voltage as the detector reboots then the problem is prior to your connection if no dip then it is either the plug or detector

It's possible the Bike or Car has a fault that never showed itself before

Could you temporarily fix the plug solid with insulation tape to see if that is where the bad connection lies
I've had problems like this with stuff in my truck and it is almost always the plug adapter that attaches to the unit. When you shake the unit, also try and jiggle the plug, see if you get the same thing.
I don't think it is a "bike" electrical problem. Either the wire/plug or the detector itself.
You can try using an OHM meter and check between the plug and the end of the wire. Check both the positive and negative wire. Wiggle the plug and the connector inside, also the length of the wire to see if you lose contact.
do what we talked about by addding a switch ,this way the bike cranks over not allowing any voltage drop or surge to and from the detector and after the bike starts and your headed out on the road then flip the switch on.the detector will do the same thing if you shut the bike off and leave the detector on it will come up saying low voltage also or start making freaky noises:)
I tell you what Guys and girls ! I cant tell you how many times this detector has saved my fanny ,WOW ! It is the #1 riding item that I have bought .Everyone knows it hard as heck to keep our bikes with in the speed limit LOL right?!! The only bad thing right know is you have to a visual on your detector to see if it is goig off or not ,but wait there are items out there that help us out which one of them is a external speaker ,Me...I dont like it cause everyone in the world heres it including the cop that you passed LOL..2nd is the Hard System which I have ,this is a pretty cool the only thing i dont care about it is you look like RDD2 at night LOL... and in the day light sometimes i cant see it ,because if you have it out where you always have notice of it the damm thing will blind you ,so you are suppose to put it where you would see it in your Peripheral sites and this is where i seem not to see it sometimes unless I take a glance at it to see if its going off or not only in the day time tho ,a drk sheild will help this problem ,night know worries your hole helmet light up inside .:)

I run an extension from the detector under the tank with the female end coming out between the seat and the tank. Then I use an earphone jack plugged into the extension. I run the earphone cord under my jacket or shirt so that it is out of sight and the wind wont blow it around. I can leave the detector with the visaual alert off, which is great for nightime riding, and hear the alert as soon as it goes off. I have found that I react much quicker to the sound alert rather than the visual alert due to the fact that I am concentrating on the road and traffic. But being visually alert for the law has saved me in more instances than the detector ever could. It is a great aid but many cops have instant-on radar so you see them before they pull the trigger and the detector goes off which is too late.
That is true Greg B its called Laser YIKES!!!!!!!! ,I have been hit by laser before but you deffently have to react for sure I also use the RX65 its a great detector ,Radar Busters .com tested theses againt alot of other detectors I dont no how many but it was lot .Beltronics RX65 and the Escort 8500 were the 2 detectors picked to be the best out there as of now, either one you cant go wrong.
hey bill, i tried it and it stopped doing it. Thanks for all your help. radar is injoyable now. make sure its off before you start bike cuz it don't like it when you don't:p
Very Good ,Alright ,Im glad its working for you .,how about the fan and sensor relocator ,have you gone for a ride and seen any Difference.
took a two hour ride and it never went past half way.:;): Thanks again, I'll hold on to your number just incase.