Radiator cap


Just finished my muzzy fan install. Ran the bike in the garage, the needle it the half way mark and bingo the fan kicked on pushing some furious busa air. Kept this going for about 30 minutes, because i thought I was having an overheating issue since I installed my fairing screens. My question is when is the overflow tank supposed to be used. When does the fluid change it's level in the bottle. I noticed alot of white crystals in the bottom of the bottle, so I took it off and cleaned it all out and filled up with some fresh antifreeze up to the second line. Then I ran the bike Again and now change in the level. Is my radiator cap not working properly? I have engine ice waiting in the wings but I don't want to use it until I know all is fine with the system.Please HELP
Take the cap to a shop and have it tested. New one is about $25 at the stealer...
I've never noticed the level in mine change. If it ever did, I'd think something was wrong.

The cap is made with a spring for a specific pressure... When the coolant/water mix heats up and exceeds that pressure, the spring naturally compresses a little and allows fluid bleed-off through the tube into the overflow bottle. The bottle should remain in the middle when cold for reliability, but when cold can go as low as the "low line". I recently put some water wetter in at the discouragement of my dealer and have noticed a small decrease in temp gauge reading since... Engine Ice should provide similar results! Not sure about the crystals in your bottle, hope no one put tap water in the radiator... def only distilled! Also, make sure that you keep enough water in the mix, the coolant does NONE of the cooling since it has such a crappy specific heat. But make sure that if you are in a cold are that you run at least 1/3 or more coolant to avoid freezing!