raise the bars


have put heli-bars on, buell pegs, lower seat, but still uncomfortable . can i put higher bars on and just change the cables, or buy a harley?has anyone changed the bars more then 1 1/4 " appreciate your help (again)what a great web-site for busa people !
If you are really into a going that high you can do a few things.
1. Add a Genmar riser to your Helibars. This will add an additional 1.5" to your Helibar height. I have this setup now and it works well.
2. Go to Convertibars. They will allow you to go up as much as 3" and Back as much as 2"
3. Spiegler Tubular bar kit. The Skies the limit here. You can really run what ever tubular bar you want though you may have to do some trimming to get that much higher than the previous two option.