Raising the fuel pressure.

Frank Adams

Has anyone had the chance to try to raise the fuel pressure on thier Busa yet?

Just wondering if anybody had some success getting more out of thier fuel pump?

Thanks for any info!
You may want to wait until your factory warrenty has expired. Suzuki is real strict on certain modifications. I will check with my service manager and let you know if it will in fact void your warrenty.
they are not going to check that unless there is a related problem. then just put back to stock before getting it done.you dont want to get carried away with fuel pressure or you will beat up on the injectors so be leary.
I'm sorry guy's....I didn't realise that you were not aware of My prodject.

Many do know that My motor has been out of warrenty since april of last year.

My motor is completed and it's Dialing in time!.....

More power due to more fuel or better atomization? More pressure with the same ECM will mean more fuel to the cylinder. Why not just remap and extend the injector duration?

Better atomization with the higher pressure is the only thing that makes sense to me, a 14.7:1 air fuel ratio is good, more pressure will make it rich. Not more power, just rich. Unless we believe that the bike is starving of fuel up top with the stock set-up.
Bob, This was a question I was poking around about for My bike.

Right now it looks like there is little chance of raising it with the stock pump.

I think the only way to do it right now is to do it the way your refering to.....

And yes I do need to make rich....

I was hoping it could be done with the fuel pump but it doesn't look that away.
Yoshimura uses a GSXR750 RACE KIT fuel pump on their RACE HAYABUSA's.

Higher fuel pressure to boot!

Only snag the Kit pump resides in the Mega Bucks Aluminum Endurance Tank, to the tune of $3,000.

So the answer is yes there is someone running a higher pressure pump. :)
Who wants 14-1 a/f ratio i dont need mileage i'll take 121/4 to 13-1 for the pwer any day.better atomization can result from an increase in pressure but too much beats up injectors.some low impedence injecters for wide band use are made for higher preasures in part due to the amount of current the low impedence allows them to flow.as well as cone shape and angle.keeping laminar flow limited due to smaller particles staying in suspension rather than falling into a laminar flow(hope the correct terms were used)

[This message has been edited by THE MOTORHEAD (edited 08 February 2000).]
Motorhead--My point was not that A/F should be 14.7:1, which is the best BTW as far as efficiency goes. Although maybe not the safest with a radical motor.

Point is you can make it what you want now through remapping. Extend the injector duration to whatever you like. You can go rich or lean using the Pc2.
I have about 3 or 4 options that I'm going to work with now...so I'll probably get what I need out of it soon!

I hear Dyno-Jet has a new part that will help Me accomplish some of what I need...

Thanks again guy's for all the input!
They also run an $8000 motech box in closed loop format.and i'll bet it's with low impedance injectors that are made for a much broader pressure band than the low impedance injecters are capable of running.i'm sure there is power with a moderate increase in pressure on the stock ones though.