I decided to purchase this bag because of the options available on it. You can display a map and view your cell phone at the same time and the size allows me to carry layers during these cold months. I paid $53.99 on an eBay auction.
MSRP = $79.99
Newenough.com = $71.99
Ebay Purchase price = $53.99 www.dsrpowersports.com 866-959-GEAR
Initially I thought the bag was big, almost too big. But once I mounted it and placed items in it I realized that the size is perfect. Along with a perfect size, the bag has multiple options that are creatively labeled with small picture patches. For example, the pocket designed for an MP3 player has an earphone patch on it.
Speaking of options, this bag has quite a few.
- Hydration pack bag (holds 100oz) and weatherproof exit hole for the drinking tube
- Weatherproof earphone hole for your Mp3 player
- Waterproof cover has own pocket
- Cell phone holder with clear cover
- Map Pocket with clear cover
- Multiple interior pockets for money or other small items
- Two long exterior side pockets
- Exterior pocket for sunglasses or another item that size
- Converts to a backpack
- Has a durable feel to it
If I had one complaint so far it would be that the map pocket is a bit thin in width and requires you fold your map multiple times to fit it in. Sounds like I need a GPS...
Over all I'm very, very happy with this purchase and credit fellow board members with steering me in the right direction.
MSRP = $79.99
Newenough.com = $71.99
Ebay Purchase price = $53.99 www.dsrpowersports.com 866-959-GEAR
Initially I thought the bag was big, almost too big. But once I mounted it and placed items in it I realized that the size is perfect. Along with a perfect size, the bag has multiple options that are creatively labeled with small picture patches. For example, the pocket designed for an MP3 player has an earphone patch on it.
Speaking of options, this bag has quite a few.
- Hydration pack bag (holds 100oz) and weatherproof exit hole for the drinking tube
- Weatherproof earphone hole for your Mp3 player
- Waterproof cover has own pocket
- Cell phone holder with clear cover
- Map Pocket with clear cover
- Multiple interior pockets for money or other small items
- Two long exterior side pockets
- Exterior pocket for sunglasses or another item that size
- Converts to a backpack
- Has a durable feel to it
If I had one complaint so far it would be that the map pocket is a bit thin in width and requires you fold your map multiple times to fit it in. Sounds like I need a GPS...
Over all I'm very, very happy with this purchase and credit fellow board members with steering me in the right direction.