Raw fuel smell reported after he caught up!


Donating Member
Hey while on my 300+ mile ride Sunday! The weather was!! Well lets say I'll take a few hurricanes in exchange.
  Ok I'll get on with it! My bud which has a dayum fast 1216 Bandit and I, on the way back from St Augustine area went for a lets C what that can do? Well she can with ease but later on he said man every time you passed me that thing was running way too rich! It smelt like a gas station out the exhaust!! I said yea I left one of the plug leads off just to ride with you this weekend!
 or yea I got to fix that I only get 43 mpg! But now I'm wondering
since I did the sync a while back I thought I smelt more raw fuel? and how can I check to make sure that flap is opening in the airbox. Bone stock but with bolt on cans.

Make sure you reconnected all the sensors after the TB synch.

Thanks I looked at my PDF manual and went back in and rechecked everything i could think of. I did find that i turned the clip that holds the vac hose, open end to the left causing it to bind on the rubber airbox boot. I think causing the #2 TB to go out of sync after it was all buttoned up. Chaff mark on top of airbox told that. When does the flap open up???  and any neg on taking the flap out on a stocker?  
My nose was never calibrated, so I'd take it to a dyno with a fuel/air sensor. Then you know for sure
To try it just disconnect the vac hose, remove the flapper and plug the hose. Why remove the vac other than to save a gram?
Ok I got this dialed in now! No more gas smell when i blew by my bud @ (well lets say his Bandit 1200 was about @ max) mpg went from 47 to 50 if in 6th and not over 75 mph cruising! Normal about town stuff was 42 now 45! Now that is what I'm talkin about!!!!  
Oh and PS what do you think about this???  With the RegC0 super charger fitting you only use one race core canister with the stock OEM header
Sounds "SWA"EET! just rite IMO I don't think I've seen or heard of this B 4
Only on the ORG.  
