Reactionary Expression

O Holy P

I just wanted to let off a little steam here and I may be being insensitive or particularly very introverted about this subject, but everyone has their opinion.

The company I work for has been owned and operated by a husband & wife for going on 25 years...I have been there for about a year and 4 months. They had an 18 y/o son who was unintentionally shot and killed on Dec. 1st, 2010, now as you can probably imagine their lives were flipped completely upside down by this tragedy and will have to live the rest of their lives in sadness. I feel for them deeply. He was a very talented young kid and he competed well with the SCCA in Ford Spec Racers and also won some national championships in karting. This kid had a great future in racing and was being looked at by several different racing enterprises. He was everything to my boss', they lived, breathed, and functioned for him. Sometimes the joke among my fellow pilots is that we weren't working for Air Flight, Inc., but for Dakota Racing (their son's name). Every race event they were gone and I'd run the show back at the home-front managing 5 pilots and 5 airplanes and running the office part as well. Now all of that is gone, just simply vanished, I can't imagine a gut punch like this that has been issued to them. After this happened, I think that the greatest impact that I have experienced is how my boss (his father) has composed himself in the wake of such a devastating blow. He has shown tremendous strength and hasn't asked anyone for anything, and to hear him respond to someone's words of sympathy by saying "it's ok, I'm(we're) fine" or "this kind of stuff just happens sometimes" as if not to want anyone else to be burdened by his loss,to me, is almost overwhelming. They don't want their disposition aired out, they want to keep it in close and handle it the best that they can. The local news here did cover it and a story was run for a day or two and then on to the next thing...kinda like ok, we covered it, what's next.

Now a few days ago 2 officers were killed in the line of duty, doing their job, serving a warrant. Tonight it's still a top story and it's all about the ratings and there are outpourings of expression and donations etc... A death is a death, they equally affect the lives of their loved ones no matter who it is. The circumstance I guess could be a factor on how it's received. On another forum I'm on, a guy posts up a logo that has a badge with the black horizontal stripe on it, and says to put it on your Facebook to show your appreciation for officers who have served and/or fallen.

Ok, first off, I don't need a damn logo to show that I appreciate anyone who knowingly puts them self in a position where their lives are put on the line. It's admirable and commendable just by taking the first step IMO. And it seems like now-a-days when something happens that gets a good amount of attention, we have to somehow out-care one another, so to speak as a reaction to the goings on around us. It's like if you don't do anything or show some sort of emotion toward the situation, you're just a prick who doesn't care. And what really urks me are reporters who try to act all somber when deep down you know they could care less and when the camera turns off they're lighting up a cigarette and wondering when they can pour themselves a stiff drink and gripe about the promotion they deserve. I cannot stand watching the news for more than 5 minutes with out getting completely disgusted.

I guess I'm just another media hater. Sometimes I mentally pool them in a group with all of the other criminals that need to be smacked up side the head with a lead pipe to just begin the attempt at knocking some sense into them. Everyone has their opinion, and it seems like the media is using their outlet to jam theirs down the viewers/listeners throats. Whatever happened to just stating the facts and moving on? Anything else is the business of those closest related to the situation.

The fact that some people don't openly express their feelings doesn't mean they don't care. IMO I think these are the people who probably care the most.

WOW! A Great comment well made +1

All Credit to your Guy for holding it together, and all credit to you for being there

Unfortunatley though it is not " Newsworthy" to the masses which is why these parasites ignore the real people

Here in the UK there is a saying

Todays news is tomorrows food wrappers
1st Sorry for the loss of your bosses son.

2nd News profits on what stories will get the most attention. 18yr old had limited people who probably knew him vs two officers represent something we all can relate to. Shouldn't be a shocker. It's all about ratings. Who gives them those ratings? The average person just like the 18yr old who has his life ripped from him. Sux, that is for sure, but new is a business. Plain and simple.

3rd. By your own words it's probably a good thing they didn't drag your bosses loss in the news cause it seems like he was already trying to put it behind them. I find it odd that you are upset they didn't drag it out on the news and upset they dragged it out for the two police officers who lost their lives. Imagine how there families are feeling seeing it pasted all over the news repeatedly.

4th. We have had many symbols,stamps, labels, etc... for various things ranging from "Say No To Drugs" to "Veterans". Regardless of the source, the meaning behind it is a good thing. It's a form of a way to show a show of support.

5th. Again sorry for the loss of the people who have passed on.

6th. Keep the chin up as your boss is trying to do. It will both benefit you and the people you interact with.
While the loss of a young man is a only effects those that new him.

The loss of a LEO, effects many more. It is a crime against society, as the men are tasked by us to maintain law and order.
I have empathy for your boss and I am very sorry for his loss. I will say the absence of media coverage can be a blessing. When my 17 year old son was killed in an accident the local paper ran his high school picture next a picture of the charred remains of his truck as the front page for two weeks. Every store or resturaunt in town had it right next to the register for almost three weeks after the accident , my wife and I could not go anywhere without seeing a picture of the accident. Im not saying this young man was not worthy of the same coverage as anyone else, but of his life not the accident. I have never had much respect for media that runs out in the middle of the night to shove a microphone in someone's face when their house just burned down. I am not taking sides against you in any way I am only saying the family may be much better off without the media intrusion right now. Also I will remember them in my prayers they have a very long road ahead.
Im not saying this young man was not worthy of the same coverage as anyone else, but of his life not the accident.

this is the problem i have with how things are reported/ should be a time of celebrating the life the person lived and remembering/being thankful for the times spent together, not a perpetual downward spiral of gloom and despair

sure, we will miss our friends and family members who have passed on ahead of us but the lessons we learned from them and our memories of times past will carry them on with us forever
notright: I think you've pretty much pinned the issue, I think the fact that the media is whoring themselves out and exploiting the story just makes it worse for the loved ones. Report the facts then move on, is it really that hard... It's like when you watch the news sometimes and it seems like every 10 min. they show the same segment over and over, the same footage over and over...for those who watch the news expecting to get the most out of their time available, it's a total waste.