Really cool thing happened to me


Killin' is my business, a
Donating Member
Was playing World of Warcraft and if you have played before you know that people Buy Gold for real cash online.....Which is very highly against the Game developer's Rules.

Well I was playing and my mailbox went off saying I had mail so I figured it was one of Guild member's sending me something to use......

Nope some Farming mistaked me for someone else and sent me i was pumped then abot 5 minutes later another 1500 came in. now I am pumped I can buy anything I want in the game. Being the nice guy I am I tried to contact the 2 different people who sent it to me and go figure they were some japanese gold farmers who don't speak english or refuse to answer so i am gonna keep it. People like these should all be banned from the game.

No if you are wondering how much real cash this would cost....umm probably around 3-4 hundred dollars.......YES HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. Now they have to not only take a hit from screwing up but either refund the actual person it was meant to go to or send him other 4k gold....haha

Sorry you guys probably really don't care about this topic but I am excited as hell and had to share

THATS MY GOLD, i want it now.!!!! i cant belive they sent it to the wrong person, and btw it was a little over 500 bux, haha

haha....then what server you on and faction

umm, i dont know, i just want some free gold, hahahahaahah, im not a gamer in any sense. just pullin your leg...
