rear resivoir access


okay here's a new guy question, i need to bleed my rear brakes, is there a quick way to get to the resivoir withour tearing the backend apart, i have all the tools but ive never done it before, any shortcuts would be appreciated. thanks with your tail!

There are a few options on a one piece reservoir. Someone will post it up.

Blead all my lines this last weekend. The tail is very easy to take off...easier than the sides.

I also have speed bleeders it is was a breeze with those puppies installed.
alright i'll give it a go, i'll have to make sure i have my damnit tool handy.

definition of a damnit tool; any handy tool that you grab and throw across the garage while yelling "DAMMIT" at the top of your lungs. It is also, most often, the next tool that you will need.
Did you have to use the dammit tool?
If you got a good funnel with a decent spout then you can get away with taking the bolts out of the right side and just pulling the side around to get access to the cover. But if you have to add any amount of fluid it is almost easier to take the whole tail off.
I noticed that if i had some sort of brace i could get away with jut undoing the right side of it, but i figured i shoule go all the way so i know how later, and no, dammit tool not necessary.