Recommendations on a GPS mount.


Hello everyone, I am looking for a GPS mount for my 03 busa.

I do wish to get a windshield mount of some sort. My goal is to move the gps as far up and close the the front of the windshield.

My GPS mount is actually going to be my cellphone with GPS software onboard. Keeping it as close to the front as possible gives me the ability to use it in rainy conditions.

I purchased a suction cup mount but the suction cup was too big to properly grab on to my Zero Gravity shield.

It works great on the gas tank but doesn't offer protection against the elements.

Thanks for the help!. I'm almost done with finishing all my mods...Trying to make my busa slick :D

Have a great day!
Haven't been successful yet finding a suction cup mount that will work.
You might have to go to a steering stem mount.

I did exactly this. Mine is a Ram Mount. It plugs right into the steering stem bolt hole. I actually bought three tips for it. One is a cradle for my Garmin Nuvi 200. The second is for my Garmin eTrex Vista HCx. The third is for my Canon SD300 digital camera. I used all three on my trip last weekend to Oklahoma. The weekend added up to about 1,300 miles. If you get a long enough arm, you can probably angle a Ram Mount up underneath the windscreen for weather protection.
+1 I have the stering mount with a Ram Mount....with nuvi perfect....

I did exactly this. Mine is a Ram Mount. It plugs right into the steering stem bolt hole. I actually bought three tips for it. One is a cradle for my Garmin Nuvi 200. The second is for my Garmin eTrex Vista HCx. The third is for my Canon SD300 digital camera. I used all three on my trip last weekend to Oklahoma. The weekend added up to about 1,300 miles. If you get a long enough arm, you can probably angle a Ram Mount up underneath the windscreen for weather protection.
The suction cup won't stay on the screen even if it does hold initially. The wind screen is too porous to form a tight vacuum for very long. A Ram or stem mount is you best bet. You may want to consider using a tank bag with a clear map pocket. The will hold and protect the phone from the weather.
I've been hearing about the ram mounts being a great mount to go with.

Unfortunately their website IMHO really makes things complicated.

Mechanical skills have never been my best quality (i'm more tuned on the electronics side) and when I go to that site I just see balls and joins and arms and links.

I don't want to sound like I need someone to hold my hand and do the work for me but is there any chance perhaps someone can explain what I might need?..I can do the stem mount thing with the extension to towards the visor no problem.

I seen someone with a ball mounted to a long rod that slid down the hole in the steering wheel. This looks sturdy and just have an arm extending up below the visor. I can do that.

My phone is a HTC touch for sprint. It's a tiny bugger and on rams site they have some generic square block with that 70's retro look to it. I was thinking this might work since it's waterproof. Anyone had experience with that big block of plastic?
I have a stem mount as well, but It's homemade. works good with my tom tom, though.. and I just keep a ziplock bag under the hump to cover it with in case of inclement weather.

good thing about home made, is I can powder coat it any color I want, and make the base any size i want.. and it's cheap enough to make.. hardest part was cutting the grooves for the o-rings :laugh:
Hello everyone, I am looking for a GPS mount for my 03 busa.

I do wish to get a windshield mount of some sort. My goal is to move the gps as far up and close the the front of the windshield.

My GPS mount is actually going to be my cellphone with GPS software onboard. Keeping it as close to the front as possible gives me the ability to use it in rainy conditions.

I purchased a suction cup mount but the suction cup was too big to properly grab on to my Zero Gravity shield.

It works great on the gas tank but doesn't offer protection against the elements.

Thanks for the help!. I'm almost done with finishing all my mods...Trying to make my busa slick :D

Have a great day!

Im using a TECHMOUNT stem mount on my 03 Busa, works just fine..

TECHMOUNT - Galleries

Hope this helps...
Thanks for the stem mount link. That site is pretty easy to understand.

Just a stem mount for suzuki and a plate is all I need to get going.

Maybe I can carve up my bunked out cell phone mount and make it work on that unit.

Does it extend far enough into the cluster area to shield from elements?

A ziplock bag was what I was thinking too! :D I like the ghettofabulous look ;):thumbsup: