Recommended Frame Slider


I am thinking about adding Frame Sliders on a Hayabusa and wanted to know what recommendations are out there. I would hope to not have to drill the plastic, but if necessary I will. Thank you!
drilling is the only way to go;" if you want the sliders for bike protection!" cutting out the hole's is not hard at all... check out lockharts carbon fiber sliders their very nice...
There have been a few posts on sliders on this board. Have seen a lot of talk about the LP carbon fiber sliders and, in fact, ordered a set over the weekend. I haven't found any that didn't require drilling into the fairing to mount them for the 'Busa. Think the decision may also depend on what color scheme you have on your bike and whether or not you have/plan a lot of chroming.
I agree. Just drill the holes. Nobody here was more apprehensive about boring through the plastic than I was. I'm glad I done it now. Here's the thread I posted my pics in. I love the LP Carbon Fiber sliders.
Thank you all for the info. I looked at the recommed frame slider and it is worth cutting the plastic ware.

Thanks again.

No problem. Make sure you read the entire thread. There is some GREAT info on how to locate the holes. I got close enough but others suggested much better ways than what I used. If you have any questions just post them and we'll do what we can to make it go smooth for you. :wink:
By the way, I should get mine soon and will post any info I can that may help. I have an extra set of fairings that I will work on first.