The bike is 2 months and 3300kms old and the rectifier failed. Off course it failed 60 kms from home and the first warning was the F1 light. When I stopped the battery was flat. A charge failure light would be a useful feature. The bike was delivered home on the back of a truck and I got it back from the workshop today.
My concern is why did the unit fail? I found on this site a comment about damage from stones off the rear wheel and while I couldn't see any visible damage there are road stones in the rear undercowl fairing and on top of the rectifier bracket.
I am thinking about how to protect the rectifier. Any ideas welcomed?
My concern is why did the unit fail? I found on this site a comment about damage from stones off the rear wheel and while I couldn't see any visible damage there are road stones in the rear undercowl fairing and on top of the rectifier bracket.
I am thinking about how to protect the rectifier. Any ideas welcomed?