Redline Stand (Front)


I recently purchased a Redline Stand for the front of my Hayabusa. I have the Rear Redline Widetire Stand as well. It doesnt seem as if the stand is holding the bike up properly. I may be wrong but There is a 1/4 inch gap between the fork and and angle of the stand where it looks as if it should be resting. IF SOMEONE HAS A PICTURE OF THEIR BIKE UP ON A FRONT REDLINE STAND COULD YOU PLEASE POST IT TO THIS THREAD. THANK YOU. Just a little nervous about the way the bike is resting on it. A close up pic of the fort resting on the stand would be great... Thanks for the help.
Here ya go. Excuse the dirt. She is usually sparkly



Thanks alot for the great photo. Makes me feel a hell of alot better. That gap is suppose to be there. What do you think of the stand? Secure? havent worked on the bike with it up on the front stand yet.
the gap is there because the PIN on the stand is to long and is resting on the bottom of the front wheel axle or the pinch bolts....shave it down (dont cut it off) and she will rest nicely..also will help when you try to actually remove that axle someday:thumbsup:

the gap is there because the PIN on the stand is to long and is resting on the bottom of the front wheel axle or the pinch bolts....shave it down (dont cut it off) and she will rest nicely..also will help when you try to actually remove that axle someday:thumbsup:

sorry bro...I think not. Look at the angles
bluhaya. What do you mean? The angle doesnt look right. If you guys have been using the stand for years I trust it although it doesnt look right to me.
bluhaya. What do you mean? The angle doesnt look right. If you guys have been using the stand for years I trust it although it doesnt look right to me.

I was just referring to DJ on saying the peg was too long. I have had my wheel off and no problems.

The peg is not too long. He thought if you cut it down it would sit on the stand better, but the angles are not right for a flush sit, due to the geometry of lifting the bike.