

Hey... I was just wondering what the deal was on removing the reflectors...
Aren't they there for a reason? Don't they make the bike more visible at night or something?

... just wondering... It DOES look nicer without them... but, then again, isn't it there for "safety" reasons?
(The warning stickers DO have to go though... I don't see them serving ANY person... if a person isn't smart enough to already KNOW what the warning says, he/she shouldn't be on a busa anyways
There is argument whether or not the reflectors add any visibility. IMO they don't and I removed them. Also after being abused on this site when I posted my first pic and realizing they do look pretty silly (again IMO).
Really it's an old DOT requirement. If you think about it I mean THINK ABOUT IT, their location makes no sense from a rider safety stand point. They do nothing to improve your visibility from the front or rear or F&R 3/4s, where you really need some enhanced visibility. Oh and they look like complete ass.
Now last time this came up someone did have a decent point about making the bike more visibile while sitting in a parking lot or dark alley. OK maybe, but then where the hell are you parking that bike, and do you think someone who misses the Bike itself will be impressed by your reflectors?

My recomendation is to buy a brightly colored helmet, and apply some reflective 3-M "Scotchlight" tape to replace the reflectors, concentrate on the front and rear of the bike as well as your helmet. Reflective tape can make a huge difference in visibility from a distance, the helmet is an Ideal place for it... It's up high, moves alot, and has the best chance of being noticed.... A flat black helmet is just about the worst Idea I have seen out on the roads... My opinion of course...

Bottom Line dude, it's sorta of a poking fun thing with the stock reflectors, nothing more... Keep em or loose em' your choice. Mostly it's asthetics VS Function. They provide little function and are asthetically challenged, so loose em'.
Hey... I was just wondering what the deal was on removing the reflectors...
Aren't they there for a reason? Don't they make the bike more visible at night or something?

... just wondering... It DOES look nicer without them... but, then again, isn't it there for "safety" reasons?
(The warning stickers DO have to go though... I don't see them serving ANY person... if a person isn't smart enough to already KNOW what the warning says, he/she shouldn't be on a busa anyways
They are there, no doubt, to meet US federal safety regulations, just like the damned mud flap of a rear fender. Ya know, if the bike makers used some sort of reflective decal technology and put it on in a tasteful way I'd have no problems leavin' 'em on. As long as they use WalMart bicycle style cheap ass reflectors I'm takin' 'em off of my bikes. Hell, 3M makes reflective tapes that are MUCH more visible than those POS plastic reflectors and they would be much more tasteful. I'd figure that route would also be cheaper for the makers than havin' metal brackets made to mount the pig's ear pieces we get now. Maybe US regs won't allow that though. Who's to blame? The makers or the govt... If I had to guess I'd say it's the govt...
Really it's an old DOT requirement. If you think about it I mean THINK ABOUT IT, their location makes no sense from a rider safety stand point. They do nothing to improve your visibility from the front or rear or F&R 3/4s, where you really need some enhanced visibility. Oh and they look like complete ass.
Now last time this came up someone did have a decent point about making the bike more visibile while sitting in a parking lot or dark alley. OK maybe, but then where the hell are you parking that bike, and do you think someone who misses the Bike itself will be impressed by your reflectors?

My recomendation is to buy a brightly colored helmet, and apply some reflective 3-M "Scotchlight" tape to replace the reflectors, concentrate on the front and rear of the bike as well as your helmet. Reflective tape can make a huge difference in visibility from a distance, the helmet is an Ideal place for it... It's up high, moves alot, and has the best chance of being noticed.... A flat black helmet is just about the worst Idea I have seen out on the roads... My opinion of course...

Bottom Line dude, it's sorta of a poking fun thing with the stock reflectors, nothing more... Keep em or loose em' your choice. Mostly it's asthetics VS Function. They provide little function and are asthetically challenged, so loose em'.
Damn... We think too much alike, man. I replied before I read yours.
i took mine off for less weight!!! haha!!
oh and i didnt want to scrap them when i was in the twisties.
iam pretty funny in the morning
Just be certain that when you remove the the reflectors that you upgrade your Blinker fluid to a full synthetic DOT V Formula. Folks that have simply removed their reflectors frequently report blinker fluid levels dropping and some burn off. The DOT V Sythetics will help there.

Bullet, that is sorta funny... I guess simple minds really do follow the same path...

Dude I sat on the 10R last night. I gotta say... "WTF" that thing is funny, so itty bitty... Neat looking but so tiny... I just couldn't get over the lack of weight, simply amazing... They had an Orange, two Vomitous greens, and a pretty Blue one. I just couldn't get over the lack of size. It even made the GSXR 750 feel sorta big...
i took mine off for less weight!!! haha!!
oh and i didnt want to scrap them when i was in the twisties.
 iam pretty funny in the morning
He he he... Gotta be careful, the weight I lost after removing them reflectors prolly gave me an extra .5 second in the 1/4...
Haha... I like your opinions

By the way, when I talked about visibility, I meant when the bike is turned off and parked... but yeah.. they're pretty tiny and useless. I had the feeling that you guys just liked poking fun at people

Haha... I like your opinions

By the way, when I talked about visibility, I meant when the bike is turned off and parked... but yeah.. they're pretty tiny and useless. I had the feeling that you guys just liked poking fun at people
Oh well YEAH THAT TOO!!!

My recomendation is to buy a brightly colored helmet, and apply some reflective 3-M "Scotchlight" tape to replace the reflectors, concentrate on the front and rear of the bike as well as your helmet.  Reflective tape can make a huge difference in visibility from a distance, the helmet is an Ideal place for it... It's up high, moves alot, and has the best chance of being noticed....  A flat black helmet is just about the worst Idea I have seen out on the roads...  My opinion of course...
My only contribution to this discussion is a warning about sticking anything to helmets. Many years ago I read an article that discussed how solvents in some adhesives/paints can weaken the shell. It also mentioned that stickers can increase the amount of friction when the helmet strikes the ground, causing twisting/torque that can increase neck injuries (this is another reason why helmet surfaces are designed to be shiny/slippery.) Probably worth asking the helmet manufacturer before you start modifying it.
A good analogy about the reflector's is a kid going to school on the first day with the top button of his shirt buttoned. There is a top button, but what's the point? It makes ya' look like a nerd!!
Reflectors are funny looking! my husband has to remove mine off my katana. I dont mind that they are there. It doesnt bother me as much as those of you who ride without any turn
signals and the freakin license plate nowhere to be found. I still have my turnsignals and so does my husbands Busa. I want people to see me not run into me. Too many blue hairs out there!!!!!!!!!!Could be a nice ticket from the police too!!!!!!!
Revlis shame on you!

You forgot to add that before removing said reflectors, the clevite bearings on the mainshaft of the reflector would have to be re-surfaced and removing them may cause the condition known as "No Turn Signals Either Syndrome". Also the warranty period for the reflector is only good IF there is not a Solar Flare, Solar Storm, or Nuclear weapons test being conducted within 3200 nautical miles of the parking area for your space ship errr uhh... I mean hayabusa. In that case Suzuki will not warranty them. Check with your insurance company.
Reflectors are funny looking! my husband has to remove mine off my katana. I dont mind that they are there. It doesnt bother me as much as those of you who ride without any turn
signals and the freakin license plate nowhere to be found. I still have my turnsignals and so does my husbands Busa. I want people to see me not run into me. Too many blue hairs out there!!!!!!!!!!Could be a nice ticket from the police too!!!!!!!
Wrong! Get yourself out there and get your own reflectors off!

Your a Biker Chick now, and as such a good portion of your "Honey DO's" in relationship to your Ride are all yours now... Or at least they should be.

Something like removing the reflectors is a simple way to spend some quality time with your ride, and help you get to know it a little better... You'll feel better about riding in general after really spending some time messing with the Bike in the Garage.

Besides, ladies with a little grease under their nails are kinda Hot...