removing cans at the drags?


Has anyone done this ? Removed their pipes for the drags ?

My worry would obviously be sending the bike way out of tune for a top end run and risking damage, especially leaning-out but when I asked a couple of people, the consensus seems to be that the injection would sort itself out very quickly. Am I just being an over-protective (of my motor) pussy?
Any tuning gurus care to assist ?
Particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has done it, with results either way...

Thanks in advance,

Josh std 04 Busa
IF it's the factory exhaust system it won't hurt anything, but your bike will sound like hell, and look worse. If it's an aftermarket system I am willing to bet that it would throw something outta whack, still probably wouldn't cause any real damage "I wouldn't Think", though there would be little point.

I am pretty certain that practice is the best way to improve your 1/4 times... Practice practice practice...

I'd say don't mess around with popping off cans and buying "Tuner" parts until your getting consistant sub 10 second times. Maybe lower your ride, then just practice... MHO only though...

we have assembled a team before testing

Very Cool... I like it.

And yo uget the whole Half-"Fast" thing going for ya as well...