Retarded ZX12r Wannabe Thread


Here TOOBAD, this thread was started for you!

You can put all your retarded little posts here(little posts = little mind).

Have you checked into Baylor Hospital yet, the nice doctor is there to help you. They help little people like you all the time down there, something called *penis envy* :(. See when your were born and you didn't have enough they dressed you as a girl and now after your operation you can finally feel like a whole person. Tell Fitch and the others before you that your type is MISSed here, winter is comming and we might need some little _itch like you to spank.

SO here use this thread, all of it!

It was started in honor of you and the likes of Fitch! :)

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 02 October 1999).]
Yep that's right jamie Kawabuser wants me to see the same shrink he did. Maybe they will give me his old room at Baylor.
Ok busalosers class is in session.

Our first block of instruction is buying Suzuki junk.

Second session will be talking out of your asses which is what some of you do. A kickstand mod? Get real! Fix your clutch first then worry about your kickstand. Oh I forgot you busa spends allot of time using the kickstand waiting to get fixed at the dealership.
Egad...Fitch, Jamie, Toobad, and Kong, all in one place.

You did it, KawAbuser! Quick, spray 'em with Gay Away!!

[This message has been edited by Mr Bear (edited 02 October 1999).]
I don't own a 'Busa. I have a 1982 GS1100E with 75,000 miles on it, bought it new. It's a great bike. What do you have??

I'll be getting a new big-bore sportbike in the next few months. I think the Hayabusa is a fantastic machine. I also think it is a beautiful bike, just my opinion. But I am going to see what the ZX-12R is made of first. I don't have knee-jerk brand loyalty, I like great bikes, period.

My brother was a Kawasaki mechanic for several years, and his bikes always ran great. Kawasaki makes great bikes, no argument from me on that one.
Mr Bear stand back, the Orkin man will be here soon.

They flocked here like "ducks in a row".

Wait, we must be in Hayabusa Heaven!

Fitch is Dead, remember your dead. :(

So we must be in Heaven. :)

Oh your tortured soul this must be like pergatory for you! :(

So pay your respect and get the HELL out of Here you slimebag KawPuke!

That was just too easy!

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 02 October 1999).]
Great bike. I always wanted one, but I was dirt-ass poor until about the last year or so, so I had to pass.

Now I can afford a new bike. Life is good.
Good for you Bear I have gone through times like that too. Going without really makes you appreciate what you have once you get it.
KawAbuser exactly what problem do you have with Kawasaki ? You always sound terribly frustrated.

Relax and enjoy life dude!