Retro Paint


From a previous post on the subject of colors ,I managed to do this in paintshop . rough I know but I hope you get the idea,
please post your favourite colour schemes just as long as they are not :please:Kawasaki GREEN
Mine looks really similar, I did the invisible paint thing too, here is a picture of mine :whistle:

I think it's great were not a bunch of smartasses. :rofl::poke:

Here's mine.

Excuse the dirt...
I think all your paint jobs are awesome they will help a lot with LEO on the war path.
I liked mine, as was so wildly popular that a guy offered me an invisible check for one bazillion dollars...

I accepted. I did put new acrylic tires on it, though...before I sold it to him...seemed like it was 'clearly' the thing to do!

wow I feel so inadequate...... my bike looks like I should be throwing rocks at it.... so I am not going to post any pic at all of my POS....

Yeah Randy, what the..................cant say I have ever seen something like that before.