

Well the 1397 kit lives! I loaded my old map back into the PC3USB and with the air box on (K&Nfilter) Its running so rich it will hardly run. Remove the air box and it runs like a champ. I downloaded the map from the PC sight for K&N filter w/ D&D slip-ons. My fuel pressure is @ 58psi. And I added a second intake cam. I need to get it running Half way decent to take it to the Dyno!
Thanks for any help!
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can you just lean it out some on your laptop off the map you have until you get to the dyno? That is what you are paying them for is to tune it.
you got way to much fuel psi that's why it's rich,you were only suppose to smash the reg a little,anything over 50 psi on stock pump your gonna see issues...glad it runs though..