Riding on the edge

while that takes all kinds of skill, he is a statistic waiting to happen. Why would anyone risk their life like that?
No FREAKIN Way....I think my blood pressure went up 10 points watching this...
It,s fake his head never moves in conjunction with the the suspension and look at the front tire it, it Never rotates, its actually not touching.

His head doesn't move with suspension because he's standing up on pegs using legs to absorb bumps as you do on a dirt bike. And tire is turning. I don't know what you're seeing?
Blanca I credit you with being an accomplished rider, that being said standing on the pegs ,REALLY, on a foot trail no less, and NO head movement whatsoever? Moreover I have yet to see or ride a trail/dirt bike that the tire cast off not an iota of mud, dirt, snow or debris. Riding along a snow covered mountain trail and the KNOBBY casts off nothing and it remains absolutely clean, I've never had that experience in my years of riding, nor at any time have I observed any dirt or trail rider helmet mounted camera stay in such a non-moving " literally suspended in mid air" position.
Yes standing on the pegs. I ran many Hare scrambles on my IT175 in Franklin, Tn thru the woods and I stood on the pegs and used my legs as Addtl shock absorbers. The lack of head movement I would credit to extreme concentration. Keep in mind he's using a gopro and things don't always seem or look right. You can see mid way thru when he goes to the right side, slips and catches it his head does move. As well as at then when he looks around. The lack of mud and stuff I would say is because he's on top of a frozen mountain. There is snow and ice all around. It is more like a rocky dry place than a wet muddy trail.

Just me.

If I'm wrong than tell me who filmed the run. Obviously somebody had to take a camera over the top, right?
Then your saying the bike isn't really there? So somebody took a dirt bike riding maybe a trail on the ground and superimposed it onto the mountain top video? If they did this than its beyond my comprehension.