Riding time is near ……..Be safe


Foghoon Leghoon
Donating Member
Good morning ORG.

Well it looks like spring is just around the corner, and many of you will be riding more and more soon.
As most of you probably already know, I love pics.
Please remember your cameras when you ride and post your shots.
It is very easy to get excited and forget to pack it.
I am sure I speak for more than a few when I say what a pleasure it is to see my fellow riders having fun, and I thoroughly enjoy seeing all the different parts of the country and the world.
Click ‘em, Pick ‘em & Post’em.
Thanks in advance and ride safe.

Here is one so this thread is not worthless.
It looked like traffic was driving right into Heavens Gate.

Loved the first pic. Since I cant ride just yet I saved it as my desktop background so I can imagine. Pics from Germany coming this summer when I redeploy
you aint kidding "be careful"

we've had 2 70 degree days mixed in with the 40 degree days the past 2 weeks,both days a rider was killed around here

1st was a 22yr old kid (bf of the daughter to one of my friends) hit the side of a car that pulled out of a shopping center trying to cross lane to make left, dead on impact, sad part was his father just talked him into buying it from him because he didnt want him riding it,he said he wanted to take one last ride, well,thats exactly what he did,didnt make it 1 mi from home

2nd one was yesterday afternoon,I dont know who but it was on a road I travel daily,happend at 3 in the afternoon. DOA..

so yes,everyone be careful out there