riding tomorrow


Donating Member
You may have read a post of mine a few days ago about a few of my friends who recently got sport bikes. Tomorrow we are all gonna go for a ride before work ( we all work 2nd shift). There will be 2 cbr600rr's, an r6, my busa, and another new guy from work who has a kawi 636. Check this out, the guy with the 636 has been talking a little smack about how fast his bike is, claiming he will hang with me up to 120. I'm not the kind of guy to talk shid, so I just said we will ride tomorrow and line them up. Should be fun. I'll try to snap a few pics of the bikes and post up results.
Tell dude that the real fun beginz after 120 mph
Yeah I know, I'm not gonna say a word about it though. I'm just gonna smoke his ass and let him draw his own conclusion.
HAHAHAHA. Don't say anything... just show him...
I've got a buddy here with a brand new 636. When he hits it, I have time to downshift, pop a wheelie, and PASS him doing a wheelie... THEN, when I put the front back down, he's history... I burn him EVERY time
Don't kid yourself. I raced a Gsxr - 600, lowered geared and a good rider. He smoked me out of the hole. Granted it was my first time launching a stock height Busa. Anyway I got him on the Big end. But small bikes wind up quicker.
well we just got back from the ride. Had a good time, but 636 was amazed out how bad i pulled him. Out of the hole, rolling start from 60, and top end. Only three of us went riding today. At one point the cbr and 636 were going to race so I was in the left hand lane, while they were in the right. I held my hand up to start them, threw my hand down to let them take off, then I got started and smoked them. There's just no replacement for displacement.

Nice bikes and sounds like a fun ride. A Kawi taking the Busa... yeah right.

They never do learn. Last night at a local Grill that serves up good food and loud music (yes, mostly Harleys) a guy that rides a BMW 1200 (not sure of letters) anyway, he's talking smack on how he can be the Busa. I didn't tell him I rode the Busa until we were leaving and he punched it, I hesistated just a sec or two and then let him have it. He caught up and was totally pissed, embarrassed, etc... today he is eating crow at work cause he works with my Brother and he is telling the story to everyone.
Did you tell him that you rode a busa? He must not have known about the King. Now he does though. That looks like the older kaw's 600..not 636. A friend of mine had a 636 and talked all that noise too. He had to learn the hard way as well. He ended up trading his bike in on a busa.