Riding with "Posers"...I give up.


Donating Member
First of all,no offence to anybody who rides,or their riding style. I just won't be riding with most people anymore. I will still ride with newbies (especially the chics)
who are learning to ride and/or those who I am teaching.
I am not the worlds fastest guy,dont want to be,but I do ride fairly fast for fun and also for my safety.Sounds odd,I'll explain. Doing the speed limit or just above or below it in packs of cars is not for me. I will always gun it and leave the packs of vehicles behind as they jossle back and forth changing lanes,playing the "Pole Position" real life video game. I ride a Busa and I will always take advantage of that. I dont understand some of the friends I ride with that wont follow my lead. I approach a red light with say 3 lanes. 2 cars in left lane,10 in the middle lane...none in the right lane.Why join the line in the middle? Why would you subject yourself to being in the pack as they leave the light and onward down the road? Whats the matter with the lane that has no cars? Leave the light,have fun as you gun it and leave them all behind to have their accidents. Merging onto the highway today. 3 lanes have to merge into 1 to get onto the highway,then merge into 2. At my earliest opportunity I look over my shoulder and see no cars coming up in the freeway...its all clear. I gun it across all 5 lanes well ahead of all the non-sense that is going on and I'm free and clear and gone. Why is my riding partner back there goofing around in the pack of cars? When I make a lane change in congestion and move to the extreme left or right in the lane...slow a bit to slow the car behind me and provide ample safe room for you to come over into the lane for say an' upcoming highway exit...why are you way back,trying to get over and miss the exit? I do ride fast I'll admit it. But sometimes its actually safer. Take as much of the traffic out of the equation as possible. I have friends that want to ride scenic "beach drive" on a Sunday at 2 in the afternoon to follow Grammie as she takes Grampy for his weekly outing. Average speed...25 MPH. Seriously? Now we have "sight-seeing tourists" behind us who are gawking at all the pretty scenery and not paying attention. Its zero fun. Then when there is a clear on coming lane (clear for a fuggin mile) they wont pass and keep up with me.
Why have they even bought that "hyper-bike?" Cause its cool to look at? Is it so you can tell people you know or meet that see your jacket and helmet,recognize you as a biker,ask what you ride...then you can tell them a super charged rocket? Then that asking person is going to say lets go for a ride someday and that hyper-bike guy will agree, but you know full well they will just cook up some excuse to never do it.
Why don't they just buy a nice Honda Shadow. A nice boulevard cruiser and cruise the fuggin boulevard. I may ride fast,I may appear to be dangerous but its kept me alive for 40+ years on the road. Plus,its fun.
40+ years riding on the street,has to be over a million miles. 1 accident. I was stopped...in a pack of cars. ( I got hit,I did not crash myself)
Next ride...I'll ask the destination...and say," I'll meet you there." Then,what's the point in going for a ride together,right? I got barked at today by a buddy. "I'll ride my way. That's how people get killed...chasing one another." Blah blah blah. I understand how and why the squids crash when the testosterone starts to fly. You can catch yourself riding past your ability. That's not good.But neither is subjecting yourself to today's text'ers and mini-van soccer moms all bunched together. Few years back me and about 40 other riders leave a meet-up in town for a qwik little 60 mile jaunt. All kinds of bikes in the pack.(Sport,touring,standard,etc) I get there first and have to wait 20 minutes for the next rider to pull in. I was riding a fat tire custom Harley.
eye brow.gif
Mind you...it was a fairly qwik,fat tire Harley. :D
I'm an' old fug...but I don't plan on riding like one...ever.


First of all,no offence to anybody who rides,or their riding style. I just won't be riding with most people anymore. I will still ride with newbies (especially the chics) View attachment 1627140 who are learning to ride and/or those who I am teaching.
I am not the worlds fastest guy,dont want to be,but I do ride fairly fast for fun and also for my safety.Sounds odd,I'll explain. Doing the speed limit or just above or below it in packs of cars is not for me. I will always gun it and leave the packs of vehicles behind as they jossle back and forth changing lanes,playing the "Pole Position" real life video game. I ride a Busa and I will always take advantage of that. I dont understand some of the friends I ride with that wont follow my lead. I approach a red light with say 3 lanes. 2 cars in left lane,10 in the middle lane...none in the right lane.Why join the line in the middle? Why would you subject yourself to being in the pack as they leave the light and onward down the road? Whats the matter with the lane that has no cars? Leave the light,have fun as you gun it and leave them all behind to have their accidents. Merging onto the highway today. 3 lanes have to merge into 1 to get onto the highway,then merge into 2. At my earliest opportunity I look over my shoulder and see no cars coming up in the freeway...its all clear. I gun it across all 5 lanes well ahead of all the non-sense that is going on and I'm free and clear and gone. Why is my riding partner back there goofing around in the pack of cars? When I make a lane change in congestion and move to the extreme left or right in the lane...slow a bit to slow the car behind me and provide ample safe room for you to come over into the lane for say an' upcoming highway exit...why are you way back,trying to get over and miss the exit? I do ride fast I'll admit it. But sometimes its actually safer. Take as much of the traffic out of the equation as possible. I have friends that want to ride scenic "beach drive" on a Sunday at 2 in the afternoon to follow Grammie as she takes Grampy for his weekly outing. Average speed...25 MPH. Seriously? Now we have "sight-seeing tourists" behind us who are gawking at all the pretty scenery and not paying attention. Its zero fun. Then when there is a clear on coming lane (clear for a fuggin mile) they wont pass and keep up with me.
Why have they even bought that "hyper-bike?" Cause its cool to look at? Is it so you can tell people you know or meet that see your jacket and helmet,recognize you as a biker,ask what you ride...then you can tell them a super charged rocket? Then that asking person is going to say lets go for a ride someday and that hyper-bike guy will agree, but you know full well they will just cook up some excuse to never do it.
Why don't they just buy a nice Honda Shadow. A nice boulevard cruiser and cruise the fuggin boulevard. I may ride fast,I may appear to be dangerous but its kept me alive for 40+ years on the road. Plus,its fun.
40+ years riding on the street,has to be over a million miles. 1 accident. I was stopped...in a pack of cars. ( I got hit,I did not crash myself)
Next ride...I'll ask the destination...and say," I'll meet you there." Then,what's the point in going for a ride together,right? I got barked at today by a buddy. "I'll ride my way. That's how people get killed...chasing one another." Blah blah blah. I understand how and why the squids crash when the testosterone starts to fly. You can catch yourself riding past your ability. That's not good.But neither is subjecting yourself to today's text'ers and mini-van soccer moms all bunched together. Few years back me and about 40 other riders leave a meet-up in town for a qwik little 60 mile jaunt. All kinds of bikes in the pack.(Sport,touring,standard,etc) I get there first and have to wait 20 minutes for the next rider to pull in. I was riding a fat tire custom Harley. View attachment 1627141 Mind you...it was a fairly qwik,fat tire Harley. :D
I'm an' old fug...but I don't plan on riding like one...ever.

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Nice rant mate!
Enjoyed that immensely.... I concur, I’m the same as you, fast, but safe lmao!
Me too, Rubb. That's a downside of riding bikes in scenic areas ... I'm not gonna take my eyes off the road just to see the waterfall on the right cuz I'm already exceeding the posted limit. I'm reading the terrain, choosing my line, and executing. No time to enjoy the view. And not really the reason I'm riding this run - the bike is the reason I'm riding

And: creating a safe riding zone is at the very top of my list every single time I ride. The difference is on a superbike, you can execute moves that others cannot in order to arrive at that zone.

+1 this rant - all of it