The factory brigstones call for 42 psi front and back,,The fatory brigstones were IMO hard as a brick,,I bought 4 yrs ago a pilot power when everyone was ranting about them,,,They made my bike ride like it had a brand pair of shocks on it,,softer ride and I think that they hooked up better,,the brigs seemed to want to spin more where as the michlen hooked up,,i believe the center of the tires are softer but was told that they would wear out faster,,,I like brigstones but maybe it was the type of tire and not the name,,,,,with a softer tire I like rideing at 42 psI F/R ,,and I can tell when the front needs alittle air after the winters months,,really spongey when turns at a light at a slow roll,,kinda like pushing,,,,,,But a lower airpressure what some are rideing does give the bike a nice cushy ride,,