
this is not all of them but, I will take more pics in a little while in the daylight so you can see the placements for mine.
This one is hard to see and I did not want to pull my fairings. The bottom arrow shows the end with the lense, the upper/ right arrow shows the back end that has the wires coming out of it. I always use silicone to go over any seams to help ensure the lights remaining watertight. This one actually makes the overflow bottle glow and flash.

You can see the individual LEDs and the strobe in this one. There are 8 LEDs(4 on each side of the strobe. The strobe is the thin glass tube in the middle. They actually light up blue but, the strobe is white.

Really cool! Im going with a LED light kit, does'nt strobe, but i ride a lot at night, so it will help me be seen.
Yeah I like the ones that glow but, I wanted to make mine different so I got all of mine except for my sliders strobing. It gets a lot of attention at shows and bike night. Some think it belongs to a cop or something, LOL!
not bad at all really here is how i have mine set up. it has a slight glow, you can see it more in person just camera takes some of the light away. but here is an idea.

Do you guys recommend any particular place to purchase led kits etc?
Monty, My LEDS are not part of a kit. There are 15 LED bulbs on that one side. I put them in a way that you cannot see them from the front. They acutally show up a lot better in person, they are a lot brighter. I bought 50 LED bulbs for about $20 and then bought the resistors to go with them for about $10.If you do them by their self, you can place them and direct the light where you want. Kits just shine everywhere, but are a lot easier to use. If you want to buy kids check ebay, there are a lot of kits out there.
I like the look, rlnsplder. I would check into the laws there a little more before I took them off. I would bet that if you do not run them in public, that there is nothing they can do about it. I cannot run mine in public but, I can at shows. Anytime I get something said I just tell them they are for show use only and they back down. Nice look though. Can you send me some info on that? Parts list, pics maybe?
yes mctrull, I'll be taking the fairing off this weekend and I'll try to get some pics of how I mounted them, It took a lot of time. They look kind of messy due to I uses High temp silicone to hold some of them in place and also to cover the wires and solder. Didn't want to use epoxy due to it is really hard to remove. I will also send you a pm with link to get some LED bulbs. DO you know how to calculate what resistors you need? if not I can help with that as well.

I checked the laws here and it says NO blue lights at all, even if hte bike is parked, turned off and noone near it, still no blue lights.
The Honolulu Police Department is reminding the general public that they are not allowed to use blue lights on their motor vehicles. A number of car alarms are using flashing blue lights to indicate that the alarm systems are activated. This is a violation of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) and we will take enforcement action when necessary.

According the Section 291-31.5 of the HRS,

"No person shall knowingly operate, affix, or cause to be affixed, display, or possess any lamp, reflector or illumination device which appears to be the color blue upon any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motor scooter, bicycle, or moped."

State law goes on to say, "This prohibition does not apply to factory-installed instrument illumination." Any violation is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or up to one year in prison or both.

I asked about other colors but havent found the laws yet stating what it ok. worse case, I just go with all white.
That sucks azz! No, I do not know how to calculate the resistors. I am wanting to learn all of this stuff and am always listening to people who know something I do not. I would like to get the full info, if you do not mind.
can you send it my way too? I have a dealer for led but Im not sure how to cal. the resistors for them. I need help in that department.

yes I can send it to you as well I might just put up a post with it all this weekend. I've also gotton a couple of pms for info too