Road a gsxr 750 today haha


Man I rode a 2009 gsxr 750 today an boy do I admire my hayabusa. Doesnt even compare. Felt like riding a tonka toy. Can't believe thats what a started on. makes me Love my busa more an more
love my Busa but those 750 are some nasty machines on the track an the twisty's I miss mine.. :down:
I loved my GSXR750 too and they are hard to beat as a track day weapon. If I ever get enough money for a track bike and a trailer I will def get another one!
I agree. I still have the 600 in the garage and drive it on occassion. I thought that thing was fast before I bought the hayabusa. Now I see those 600's ripping down the street slamming gears at 10,000 RPM's and going like 40 MPH. I just laugh. :rofl:

EDIT: When I drive it I like to get in the cloverleafs doing 45-50 MPH then cracking the throttle almost wide open. Would never attempt that on the hayabusa. Would be doing 120 MPH and in the ditch before I knew what happened.